Healthy and correct breast enhancement methods How to have healthy breast enhancement?

1, bull face, exercise: kneel down, lift your left leg forward, put your left calf on the outside of your right calf, and sit your hips on the ground between your two calves. Inhale, left hand up, right hand down, hands behind your back. Straighten your spine and keep breathing for 4 times. Inhale and slowly restore. Repeat the same action on the other side.

2, the cat stretches, practice: sit on your knees, support the ground with your hands, and your arms and thighs are perpendicular to the ground. Inhale, lift hips, tuck in, and raise your head. The whole spine bends. Breathe evenly and keep moving. Exhale and arch your spine in the opposite direction. Breathe evenly and keep moving. Exhale and recover.

3, simple wind blowing tree style, practice: stand, feet together. Inhale and raise your right hand close to your ear. Exhale and lean to the left. Keep breathing three times. Inhale and recover. Repeat the same action on the other side.

4, peak style, practice: sit down and stretch your arms forward to the farthest. Hips off heels, toes on the ground. Inhale, lift your hips and make body form triangle. Press the heel down to the ground and keep breathing for 4 times. Exhale, bend your knees and touch the ground, and recover. Both groups repeated the exercises.

5, simple stick, practice: prone, fingers crossed, elbow joint and forearm touch the ground. Inhale, tiptoe on the ground, and lift your body off the ground in a straight line. Keep breathing for 2-5 times. Exhale decreased, and the two groups repeated the exercise.

6, cobra pose, practice: prone, forehead, hands on both sides of the shoulder. Inhale, slowly raise your head and roll up the whole spine. Exhale and keep your arms completely straight. Breathe evenly and keep moving. Exhale, bend your elbows and slowly return to the prone position. Both groups repeated the exercises.