How many calories is a packet of Taiping soda cookies?

1 package of soda crackers (100g) contains 480 calories, and it takes 280 minutes to walk. Cookies are high in fat, carbohydrates and calories, and are not suitable for eating during weight loss.

Nutrient content of soda biscuit (per kloc-0/00g):

Heat 408.00 calories

Carbohydrate 76.20

Fat (g) 7.70

Protein (g) 8.40

Vitamin e (mg) 1.0 1

Thiamine (mg) 0.03

Riboflavin (mg) 0.0 1

Nicotinic acid (mg) 0.40

Magnesium 20.00

Iron (mg) 1.60

Zinc (mg) 0.35

Copper (magnesium) 0. 18

Potassium (mg) 82.00

Phosphorus (mg) 69.00

Sodium (mg) 3 12.20

Selenium (μ g) 39.33