The color of cat stool is related to its food intake, water content and digestive state. Generally speaking, the color of cat feces is brown in a healthy state, but in some cases, the color of cat feces will change.
1) Function of food: Some cat foods contain some ingredients that may change the color of stool, such as green, red and black, which is normal. However, if cats eat this kind of food for a long time, or have obvious discolored stools for a long time, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian.
2) Digestive system diseases: If the pet's stool is afraid of black or bright red, it is probably caused by diseases such as indigestion and large intestine problems of the pet. It's time to take the cat to the vet as soon as possible.
3) Parasites and viruses: Some parasites and viruses can cause the feces of cats to turn yellow and white. At this time, it is also necessary to seek medical advice in time to help the kitten recover.
2. Different meanings of stool colors.
Shit is a way to excrete waste from the body. Different colors of feces may be related to different health conditions.
1) Brown: The stool is brown with uniform color, which is a normal and healthy condition, representing normal functions of digestion, absorption, excretion and other systems.
2) Black or bright red: Black or bright red stool may represent digestive system problems, such as ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding. Need to see a doctor in time and seek professional treatment.
3) Green: Green stool may mean that food is digested too fast, or too much bile flows into the digestive tract. This is usually not a serious problem, but if it lasts for a long time or is accompanied by symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.
4) Yellow or gray: Yellow or gray stools may expose some problems, such as liver or biliary tract problems. Need to go to the hospital for examination.
3. How to help cats maintain normal stool color?
There is no doubt that the cat's diet is directly related to its health, and the correct diet can ensure the cat's health and normal feces color.
1) properly diversify the cat's diet: chicken and fish can be properly added to the pet's diet to give them a variety of nutrients.
2) Clean the pet toilet: the pet toilet needs to be kept clean, otherwise it will easily lead to infection and other problems.
3) Take your pet to the hospital for physical examination regularly: Take your pet to see a doctor regularly to help your pet stay healthy.
4. Summary
The color of a cat's stool is extremely important to its health, and it may be an indicator of its health. Therefore, we should pay close attention to the color and shape of the cat's stool and take corresponding measures in time to ensure the cat's health. At the same time, we should pay attention to diet management and regular physical examination to help pets maintain normal health.