Harmony | 5 Harmony, Coordination and Harmony
Harness | 2 Harness | 5 Harness
Harsh | 6 Harsh * Harsh
Harvest | 5 Harvest | 2 Harvest
Hurry, hurry, hurry
Hurry up |2| Hurry up | 1| Hurry up
In a hurry |6| in a hurry *
Hat |5| Hat (usually with edges)
Hatch|2| Hatch | 1| (egg) hatch
Hate |2| hate, hate * don't like it
Damn it |6| Damn it, damn it
Hatred |5| hatred, hatred, hatred
Havev.aux It was eaten by |2| *
Eagle |5| Eagle, Falcon
Hay |5| 5 hay
Hazard |5| Danger * Public nuisance
He|9| (nominative) He
Head |5| Head * Top |2| Led
Headache |5| Headache * Headache thing
Title | 5 Title, Inscription and Title
Title |5| Title * News Summary
Principal |5| Principal
Headquarters |5| Headquarters * Headquarters
Repair |2| Repair * Coordination
Health |5| Health, health status
Health |6| Health * is good for health
Heap|5| (1) heap * a lot.
Hear |2| hear * interrogate * hear
Heart |5| heart, heart * courage
Heat |5| heat | 1| becomes hot.
Heat |5| heat, heat
Heaven |5| Heaven * Days, the sky
Seriously | seriously
Heavy |6| heavy * big * full
Hedge|5| fence, hedge * obstacle
Heel |5| Heel, heel, heel
Height |5| height, height * height
Heir |5| Heir
Helicopter |5| helicopter
Hell |5| Hell * Great pain
Hello | 13| Hello
Helmet |5| helmet
Help |2| Help * Help |5| Helper
Useful |6| useful * useful
Helpless |6| Helpless * incompetent
Hen | 5 hen
Therefore |7| Therefore, it will be the same in the future.
She |9| (accusative) She * She
Herd |5| Herd |2| grazing
Here |7| here * here
Heroes | 5 Heroes * Heroes * Soldiers
Hero |6| Hero *
Heroine | 5 Heroine * Heroine
Her |9| Her (property)
Hesitant | 1| Hesitant, hesitant * fuzzy
Hide |2| Hide *
High |6| High * Advanced |7| High
Height |7| Height, very, very.
Highway |5| Highway * Highway
Hill |5| Hill, Hill * Hill
A hillside |5| (a hill), a hillside
(accusative) He
Myself |9| Myself * Myself
Hint |5| hint, signal * suggestion
Lease |2| lease |5| lease, lease
His |9| his, his things.
Of or relating to history.
History |5| History * Personal Experience
Hit |2| Hit | Collision |5| Collision
Hobbies |5| hobbies
Hold |2| hold * grasp * own
Hole |5| hole * hole, crack
Holiday |5| holiday, holiday * holiday
Hollow |6| Empty * Empty
Holy |6| Holy * Holy
Family | 5 Family * Family | 6 Family
Honest |6| honest * respectable
Honesty |5| Honesty and integrity
Honey |5| honey, honey * sweet, sweet
Honey |5| honeymoon | 5
Honor |5| 5 | Glory * Respect, respect
Respectable |6| 6 | honest * respectable
Hook | 5 hook | 2 hook
Hope |5| 5 Hope
Hopeless |6| hopeless
Horizon|5| Horizon * Vision and insight
Level |6| Level *
Horn | 5 Horn * Alarm * Angle
Terror |5| terror * trembling * hatred
Horse |5| horse
Horsepower | 5 horsepower
Hospital |5| 5 Hospital
Host |5| Master * Host
Waitress |5| Waitress * Stewardess
Hostile |6| hostile * unfriendly
Spicy |6| Spicy * Stimulating * Spicy
Hotel |5| 5 Hotel
Hour |5| hour * time, time
House |5| House, domicile * Enterprise name
Housework |5| family, housework * housework
Housewives | 5 Housewives
How |7| How * How * How much
Anyway | 7 | But * Anyway.
Huge |6| huge
Mankind | 6 Mankind, Mankind | 5 Mankind
Humble |6| humble *
Wet |6| Wet, heavy moisture
Full of humor, witty
Humor |5| Humor, humor, sense of humor
Happy | 8 | a hundred, a hundred |8|5| more.
Hunger |5| Hunger, hunger * longing
Hungry |6| Hungry * Desire
Hunting | 5 Hunting * Search | 2 Chasing
Hurry | 1| hurry |2| urge
Hurt |2| Hurt * Sadness
Husband | 5 husband
Cabin |5| Cabin
Hydrogen |5| hydrogen
Jacket | 5 Jacket
Prison |5| prison | 1| imprisonment
Jam |5| 5 jam
Blocking |2| Filling * Blocking
January |5 | January
|5| 5 Japan, Japan
Japanese | 6 Japanese | 5 Japanese
Jar |5| jar, jar, jar
Jaw | 5
Jazz |5| Jazz music, jazz dance music
Jealousy |6| Jealousy * Suspicious
Spray |5| spray * nozzle
Jewelry |5| Gem * Gem ornaments
Judea |6| Judea
Work |5| occupation * work * odd jobs
Join |2| Join * Join
Joint |5| joint, joint * joint
Joke |5| Joke | 1| Tell a joke
Happy; happy
Journals |5| Daily newspapers, magazines * periodicals
Reporter |5| reporter, reporter
Journey |5| Travel, Journey |5| Travel
Happy |5| Happy, Happy * Happy
Happy |6| Very happy, happy
Referee |5| referee * referee
Judgment |5| 5 | Opinion * Trial * Judgment
Fruit juice |5| (fruit, etc. )
July |5 | July
Jump | 1| Jump * Soar |2| Skip
June | 5th | June
Jungle |5| Jungle, dense forest, mangcong
Juvenile |6| Juvenile |5| Juvenile
Jury |5| jury * jury
Just right.
Justice | 5 Justice, Justice * Justice
Alignment |2| Alignment ...