Keep mandarin fish need to pay attention to the following points:
1. Water quality: Siniperca chuatsi requires high water quality, so it is necessary to keep the water clean and transparent, with sufficient oxygen content, and keep the water temperature between 22℃ and 28℃.
2. Diet: Siniperca chuatsi is an omnivore and can eat beef, shrimp, Mi Chong and mixed feed. We must control the right amount of bait to prevent fish from overeating and affecting our health.
3. Water space: Siniperca chuatsi is large and needs enough swimming space. Each mandarin fish weighing 2-3 kg needs no less than 80 liters of water.
4. Cooperate with other fish: Siniperca chuatsi is an aggressive fish and is not suitable for mixed culture with other fish. In the aquarium of Siniperca chuatsi, it is best to choose only one kind of fish for culture to avoid unnecessary disputes and injuries between fish.
Generally speaking, Siniperca chuatsi is an ornamental fish that is easy to raise. As long as you give it the right growth environment and the right bait, you can make the fish grow healthily. Breeders need to pay attention to the above aspects in operation, so as to ensure that mandarin fish is healthy, full and colorful, and become one of the popular ornamental varieties.