"Routine Health Diagnosis Project I"
Previous business adjustment, smoking, service adjustment, etc.
Are there any symptoms such as spontaneity?
Length (※ 1), weight, vision, strength and abdomen (※ 2).
Chest X-ray and X-ray (※3)
Blood test
Anemia (red blood cell count? The amount of hemoglobin)
Liver function (GOT(AST)? GPT(ALT)? γ-GTP)
Blood lipid (コレステロール (old) → low density lipoprotein コレス) HDL コレス トリグリセリド (neutral fat))
Blood sugar deficiency
Electrocardiogram (ECG at rest)
Urine (sugar ※4 and flea white in urine) → urine must be changed.
1: If the body length is greater than 20, the measurement of body length can be omitted. ※
2: 40, pregnant woman, BMIが20, doctor's judgment. ※
3. Phlegm formation: the occasion to confirm the chest line "ェッスでが". ※
4. Urine sugar: it may be omitted when blood sugar is used → it must be used. ※
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