Wearing corsets for a long time will squeeze internal organs, affect blood circulation and cause a series of health problems. Summer is sultry, and some one-piece corsets are too tight and airtight, which easily leads to gynecological diseases for girls. If it affects the blood return of the heart, it will cause dizziness and other symptoms.
Similarly, long-term compression of the waist will also affect blood circulation, and even lead to lumbar muscle strain. Some girls will feel full after tightening their stomachs, thus achieving the effect of losing weight. But as a former medical worker, we can tell you that long-term oppression will change the position of internal organs, and at the same time, it will produce gastric juice reflux, which will lead to digestive tract diseases.
There is a saying that a tightly wrapped bra will limit appetite. After wearing a corset, you can only eat one-third of your usual meal. Temporarily reducing intake can certainly play a role in losing weight, but excessive dieting is not a good way to lose weight. In the long run, chronic gastritis, gastroenteritis and other hidden dangers will get closer and closer to you, so hurry to exercise to lose weight.