These two things are called the emperor's spear and shield, which were promulgated by the emperor himself. Fang Shangjian, we have heard about it in most film and television programs about the history of ancient feudal monarchy. Seeing Fang Shangjian is like seeing the emperor, so Fang Shangjian is very powerful, and Fang Shangjian is the symbol of the emperor. Look at the lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens lens.
The gold medal for avoiding death is a replica of Fang Shangjian. Like an amulet, he can avoid death even if he commits a capital crime or other extremely serious crimes. This is the power of the gold medal to avoid death.
However, in ancient China, as a symbol of imperial power, the death-free gold medal was generally used within a specified number of times. No one will win infinite gold medals from death, that is to say, even if he wins gold medals from death, he should pay attention to his words and deeds. This death-free gold medal can't guarantee a person's life safety.
However, there is a difference between Fang Shangjian and the gold medal to avoid death. There is no limit to the number of times Fang Shangjian can be used. No matter when and how many times you use it, seeing the sword on the square has the same effect as seeing the emperor. Although these two things have great power, they are all given by the emperor after all. So in the end, power was concentrated on the emperor alone.