100 simple recipes

Simple recipes:

Preparation materials: 200g radish skin, a little salt, a little sugar, 3 millet peppers, 1 garlic, 50g soy sauce and 50g aged vinegar.

1. Wash the radish and peel off the thick skin.

2. The peeled radish skin is marinated with a little salt.

3. Wash the peppers and garlic. (Only use one garlic)

4. Slice garlic and dice pepper.

5. Pour radish skin into a glass jar, add garlic, pepper and sugar, and stir well.

6, soy sauce, vinegar, according to the ratio of one to one.

7. Pour vinegar and soy sauce into the radish skin and cover it with a lid.

8, can be eaten after 24 hours, fragrant, spicy, crisp, cool, is an excellent side dish to send porridge to the next meal. The sauce soak in radish skin can be used as a seasoning for jiaozi.