Can alveolar bone root canal therapy be cured? What if root canal therapy is not cured?

Whether root canal therapy caused by alveolar bone absorption can be cured depends on the degree and reason of absorption.

If alveolar bone resorption is caused by periodontitis, the effect of root canal therapy may not be ideal because this resorption is irreversible. Even after root canal therapy, the function of alveolar bone may not be fully restored. In this case, the doctor may suggest periodontal treatment to control the development of periodontitis and keep the height and density of alveolar bone as much as possible.

If the absorption of alveolar bone is caused by periapical periodontitis, root canal therapy can restore the shape and function of teeth and control the further absorption of alveolar bone. After root canal treatment, the tissues around the teeth will gradually recover and the alveolar bone will stop absorbing.

If root canal therapy cannot cure alveolar bone resorption, doctors can consider the following methods:

1. apical surgery: If root canal treatment fails, the doctor may recommend apical surgery. This operation can cut the gum from below the root to expose the root tip, then remove the diseased tissue and the root part, and finally fill it in turn. This can control the development of periapical periodontitis and promote the recovery of alveolar bone.

2. Tooth extraction treatment: If root canal therapy or apical surgery can't control the absorption of alveolar bone, the doctor may suggest pulling out the affected tooth. After tooth extraction, the function and appearance of teeth can be restored by planting teeth or installing dentures (dentures).

3. Periodontal treatment: Periodontal treatment can be used for alveolar bone absorption caused by periodontitis. This treatment method includes regular scaling and scraping of dental plaque and tartar, controlling the development of inflammation and keeping the height and density of alveolar bone as much as possible.

In short, for the treatment of alveolar bone resorption, it is necessary to choose the appropriate method according to the specific situation. Root canal therapy can cure some alveolar bone resorption caused by periapical periodontitis, but for alveolar bone resorption caused by irreversible periodontitis, other methods may be needed to control the development of the disease and maintain oral health as much as possible.