1. Dairy products (milk, cheese, cheese, curd) In addition, don't be fooled by low-fat dairy products. You should eat ordinary dairy products or skim dairy products. Generally speaking, sugar is added to these low-fat dairy products, which is not good for you and will make you old and swollen, so you should eat ordinary dairy products.
2. Lentils and beans (Lentils and beans are the best, cheap and nutritious things that you can eat in your diet to provide you with good nutrition again)
3. Eat whole grains (such as whole grains, oats, rice, pearl millet, Nagini, millet) and fill them with carbohydrates to provide you with the energy you need for a day. Please delete them from your mind. Carbohydrates will make you fat, and a lifestyle without carbohydrates will make you fat.
4. Desi butter (Desi butter is a super food, it should be a part of your daily diet, an important source of healthy fat and essential nutrients, and it is good for your skin, hormones and brain. So try to eat high-quality Dexi butter [https://amzn]. Every day)
5. Fresh fruit (fresh local fruit has always been a part of my daily diet, so try to eat a bowl of local seasonal fruit every day)
For example, in summer, there are some delicious fruits: melon, watermelon, papaya, mango, litchi and so on.
6.? Water (hydration is the most important thing before you eat anything, so try to hydrate your body before you follow your diet)
7. Fresh vegetables. Have a good sleep. Meditate or give your brain some time to relax and calm down. These good qualities will help you live a healthy lifestyle. Remember, a healthy body will not have low body fat rate and unhealthy thoughts, so all these qualities together lead to a healthy lifestyle.