First, what is mental illness?
Mental illness is the internal and external pathogenic factors acting on people, leading to brain dysfunction, thus destroying the integrity of human brain function and the unity of individuals and the external environment.
Mental illness is universal, and the difference lies only in the manifestation and severity of the disease.
Second, the classification of mental illness
According to different standards or severity, academic mental illness can be divided into the following categories:
Sensory disorder, perceptual disorder, attention disorder, memory disorder, thinking disorder, emotional disorder, will disorder, behavior disorder, consciousness disorder, intellectual disorder, personality disorder and other categories.
Today, let's talk about sensory disorders and perceptual disorders.
First, the meaning of perception
Feeling and perception are the basic psychological processes of human beings, the basis or primary stage of human understanding of the objective world, and reflect the external characteristics of things. Both of them are often collectively referred to as "perception".
Perception is the source of knowledge. Perceived content has the characteristics of objectivity, vividness, non-subordination, and non-transfer of human will.
Second, feeling and perception.
Feeling refers to the process in which organisms feel the individual attributes of objective things, such as light, color, sound, temperature, shape and weight, through the sensory system.
Perception is a process of further processing various attributes of things and forming an overall impression with the help of past experience. If the red flag flutters in the wind, when we get this kind of perception, we will integrate the sensory attributes such as shape, color, size, hardness and so on. Visceral senses such as vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, balance and movement are different types of senses, which reflect the individual attributes of things respectively.
Perception is a person's comprehensive feeling of things, which is more complicated than feeling.
? Performance of obstacles
First, sensory impairment
Sensory disorder refers to the difficulties and abnormalities in the process of reflecting the attributes of stimulating individuals.
Common sensory disorders are:
1. Allergy: The ability to feel external stimuli is abnormally enhanced.
2. Hypoesthesia and sensory loss: the ability to feel external stimuli decreases.
3. Feeling abnormal: having a wrong feeling about the nature of external stimuli.
4. Senile disease: The stimulation inside the body causes strange discomfort or pain.
Sensory disorders will have a wide impact on people's various psychological processes, which can cause perceptual disorders, disrupt sports feedback information and lead to motor dysfunction.
Clinically, both neuropathy and psychosis can have sensory disturbance symptoms, and the former is more common. Primary diseases that cause sensory disorders mainly include the following:
1. Peripheral sensory disturbance
It is common when ulnar nerve, median nerve and flexor nerve are damaged, as well as peripheral neuritis, toxic neuritis, metabolic neuritis, lateral femoral cutaneous neuritis and polyneuritis.
2. Posterior root sensory disturbance
Common in disc herniation, extraspinal tumors, syringomyelia, trauma and so on.
3. Spinal cord sensory disturbance
Common in transverse myelitis, spinal cord tumor's disease, extramedullary tumor, trauma, spinal vascular disease, spinal cord compression, subacute combined degeneration, syringomyelia, neuromyelitis optica, etc.
4. Brain stem sensory disturbance
It is common in brain stem angiopathy, brain stem tumor, brain stem inflammation, congenital malformation and cerebellopontine angle disease.
5. Thalamic sensory disturbance
Common in cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, epilepsy and so on.
6. Internal capsule sensory disturbance
Common in cerebrovascular diseases, tumors and so on.
7. Cortical sensory disturbance
Common in cerebrovascular diseases, tumors, parietal lobe epilepsy, sensory epilepsy, inflammation, trauma and so on.
8. Adenomatous sensory disturbance
Common in sensitive person with mental trauma and excessive mental stimulation.
The examination of sensation is complicated, and it is easy to make mistakes in the examination of nervous system diseases, which requires patience and meticulous verification from time to time. Therefore, in case of sensory disturbance, you should seek professional help.
Second, perceptual disorders.
Perceptual disorders are divided into hallucinations and hallucinations.
v? Illusion is a distorted perception, that is, it distorts and perceives what actually exists as something completely inconsistent with reality, and it is a wrong subjective reflection of objective things.
v? Hallucinations (hallucinations)
It is an illusory perception, which means that something does not exist in the objective reality, but the patient perceives its existence. Non-existence only leads to the sensory object, which belongs to nothing.
Hallucinations include the following:
1. Auditory hallucination is the most common form of hallucination, which refers to the perceptual experience of sound without sound stimulation. Common ones are: imperative auditory hallucination, critical auditory hallucination and controversial auditory hallucination.
2. Visual illusion: refers to the experience of visual image when there is no visual stimulus.
3. Olfactory hallucination: It means that when there is no olfactory stimulation, there is an olfactory experience, mostly some unpleasant smells.
4. Taste hallucination: refers to patients who have a special or strange taste for food and refuse to eat.
5. Tactile hallucination: The patient feels some abnormal feelings on the skin or mucous membrane, such as insect crawling, wind blowing, numbness, knife stabbing, electric shock, etc.
Visceral hallucination: refers to the patient's abnormal perceptual experience in a certain part or organ of the body. If the patient obviously feels that one of his internal organs is twisted and perforated, or there are bugs swimming in his stomach.
v? Three special types of hallucinations
1. Functional hallucination: refers to a perceptual experience caused by objective stimuli, and at the same time the same sensory organ produces hallucination experience. Hallucinatory experience and real perception coexist, disappear at the same time, and are independent and not integrated with each other.
2. Reflex hallucination: refers to the objective stimulus that causes a certain perceptual experience and at the same time produces a perceptual experience in another sensory organ.
3. Psychogenic hallucinations: hallucinations directly related to psychological factors. The content of hallucination has a strong emotional color and fantasy color, which patients are eager to see.
v? Mental sensory disorder
Perceptual comprehensive disorder refers to that patients can correctly understand the essential attribute or whole of an objective thing, but have a wrong understanding of some individual attributes (such as image, size, color, position, distance, etc.). ) or some part of this thing.
Perceptual disorders mainly include the following:
Spatial perception comprehensive disorder: patients feel that people or things around them have changed in size, orientation and distance. Divided into: visual distortion, visual hyperfunction, visual dysfunction.
Complex obstacle of time perception: patients have incorrect perceptual experience of the speed of time. If the patient feels that the whole world seems to have stopped, it feels like years.
Perceptual comprehensive obstacle of surrounding environment change: patients feel that everything around them seems to be static, or on the contrary, they feel that everything around them is changing rapidly and violently. In addition, patients can feel that things around them seem vague, vague and lack of realism, which is called "unreality".
Comprehensive obstacles to the perception of one's own body structure: somatotype obstacle, speculum symptom.
final result
Xi huanxinyu
Mental illness is the result of the development of psychological obstacles to a certain extent. In order to avoid this problem to the greatest extent, we should find the problem as soon as possible and solve it as soon as possible.
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