Grateful parents' large class teaching plan 1 What children are most happy about is regional activities. When the regional time comes, the children all choose their friends to enter the region and start the game together. Hu, Sun Xuan and Li Hanfei came to the doll's house happily. Soon, there was a voice of quarrel, "I want to be a mother" and "I don't want to be a father". I hurried to the doll's house to see what was going on. When asked, it turned out that Sun Xuan and Hu were both vying to be mothers, while Li Hanfei's children were preparing to be babies, and they looked at the two children with wide eyes. I wonder why these two children don't want to be fathers. So I knelt down and asked Hu and Sun Xuan, "Why do you all want to be mothers?" I know that Hu is usually a thoughtful person. Sun Xuan first replied, "Because I like my mother best, I think it's fun to be a mother." At this time, Hu said to him, "I like being a mother, too." Both of them pursed their lips and neither of them would let go. The game was deadlocked.
Sometimes we often ask our children who they like best at home. Most children answered their mother. In contrast, a father is not as important to a child as a mother. Maybe dad usually spends less time with his children.
Policy adjustment:
"Who are there in the family?" Sun Xuan said, "Father and mother." I went on to say, "That's right! We are a happy family, "Sun Xuan nodded, like an adult. "I think so too." I went on to say, "In our family, everyone is very important. Today, the baby in the doll family is also a family. Children should be good at every role. Let's try to play different roles, shall we? " . Sun Xuan is very generous. She said, "I'm going to be a father this time." Hu also looked down shyly and said, "Then I will be a father next time. Three friends are busy in the doll's house again.
Analysis and thinking:
I think in our daily life and study, we should do more emotional activities to thank our parents and elders. It is very important to know all family members. When children have problems in the game, the teacher should guide them in time, make suggestions and let the two children negotiate who is the "mother". Although the child is still a little unhappy at first, he will soon be able to devote himself to the game. When children get their favorite roles, they should ask them for games and praise modest children. After the activity, through discussion, exchange and evaluation, let the children find problems and discuss ways to solve them.
Thanksgiving parents teaching plan 2 activity preparation:
1, photos, parents' profiles, 2-3 pieces in family life.
2. Music and video materials
Activity flow:
First, situational introduction
Play the song "Only a mother is good in the world", and the voice is from weak to strong.
Children, do you know the name of this song?
How do you feel when you hear this song? What's your mood? What scene do you have in mind?
3. Who can tell what kind of emotion this song expresses?
Second, emotional experience.
Children, this song is only pleasant to listen to by mothers. It is about how happy we are to have a mother's love and how sad it is to lose it. Parents give us life and nurture us to grow up. They have done many things for us. Let's play a game together and go deep into our hearts to find our parents.
1, mind games
(1) Warm-up activities: relax the body and finally achieve a relaxed and natural state. Sit up straight, close to the back of the chair, sit still, then take three deep breaths, and then slowly relax from the head, neck, shoulders and chest. This can remind children to lie on the table, lean on the fire and lie in the chair, relax as comfortably as they want, continue to relax at the waist and relax their legs and feet. Hint: ah! How simple it is! So comfortable! I really want to sleep, so I can close my eyes gently.
(2) The activity begins (psychological suggestion)
Now, my mind is empty, big, white, bright, or black, with nothing but a minute's pause. (A suicidal baby remembers crying) On that day, with crying, a little life was born. So it's me. Look, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, small hands and feet are all over my body. ........................................................................................................
Your mother didn't send you to kindergarten that day. You grow up day by day. That day, it rained ... your mother came to pick you up. On that day, you won the prize ... (pause for a while to give the child enough imagination time). Ok, please open your eyes and have a look. Who is standing in front of you?
After the game, the child slowly returned to the real situation.
Please tell the children what you saw in the game. How are you feeling?
In our life, our parents have given us selfless love, and many children want to talk about it.
How do you feel when you care about your parents?
5. How does it feel to listen to others talk about your parents?
Third, stimulate emotions.
1. Every parent is great and selfless. They care about their children wholeheartedly and are willing to give everything for them. No matter how hard their life and work are, they can overcome difficulties, live happily and work happily. Would you like to introduce your parents?
2. Who would like to introduce their parents (do not indicate voluntary coming to power)?
What do you think of your parents? How do you feel when you say this sentence?
Fourth, it is suggested to lead the way.
1, if your parents are in front of you, what do you want to say to them?
2. Do you love your parents? How do you love them?
3. How do you feel now?
4. Love is a kind of giving and enjoyment. When we give love, we enjoy a kind of happiness, enjoy life, enjoy life ... have a grateful heart, thank our parents for their upbringing, and repay their parenting. Let's repay our great parents together.
Teachers and children do hand language exercises together-a grateful heart.