Can I wash my lungs after smoking too much?
Lung lavage: What disease can be treated? Occupational lung diseases: silicosis, coal worker's pneumoconiosis, cement pneumoconiosis, electric welding pneumoconiosis, casting pneumoconiosis, etc. Severe or refractory bronchopulmonary purulent infection: Clinically, symptoms such as chronic cough, yellow cough and purulent sputum often occur due to measles and whooping cough in children, or due to irregular or incomplete treatment of bronchitis and acute pneumonia. Alveolar proteinosis: this is a disease caused by abnormal protein-like substances with unknown etiology blocking alveolar cavity. Refractory asthma: Most patients with asthma attack can stop within a short time after proper treatment, but about 10% patients are ineffective after routine treatment. If lung lavage is accepted, airway drainage caused by mucus embolism can be eliminated and remarkable curative effect can be achieved. Smoker: Don't take this as a health care technology. Although large-capacity whole lung lavage is suitable for a wide range of diseases, not everyone can do it. When there are huge pulmonary bullae, severe emphysema, cor pulmonale, active pulmonary tuberculosis and recent history of hemoptysis and pneumothorax; Or suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hematological diseases or organic diseases such as liver, kidney and brain; Or the trachea and main bronchus are deformed, which hinders the correct placement of double-lumen bronchial intubation. In addition, even the adaptive patients who can receive large-volume whole lung lavage should go to the hospital for examination before operation, and the professional doctor will decide whether the patients can tolerate this operation. As a new professional medical technology, lung lavage is a means to treat diseases, not a health care technology. This kind of medical equipment and intraoperative first aid measures require "high standard" lavage, which is not available in street clinics. For example, during lung lavage, if the temperature of lavage fluid is "not up to standard" or postoperative nursing measures are not in place, these seemingly subtle details are very likely to make patients "unable to wake up".