Explorer icon:
1. After opening "My Computer", click the Delete button on the keyboard, and you will see the files on the desktop, which actually contain the Internet that has disappeared.
Explorer icon! Just drag it to the table.
2. Secondly, after clicking the custom desktop, press the I key on the keyboard, click OK, and then click Apply.
3. Open other disks, such as disk D or disk E. Note that this method cannot be directly implemented on the desktop. Create a folder named Internet on drive d.
Explorer. { 87 1c 5380-42a 0- 1069-A2EA-08002 b 30309d }
After the establishment, copy this folder to the desktop, the new Internet.
The explorer icon is back!
4. In the run box, enter
Regedit.exe opens the Registry Editor.
Find the following registry branch HKEY _ Current _ User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Resource Manager \ Hidedesktopicons.
\ New Start Panel
A DWORD named "{871c5380-42a0-1069-a2ea-08002b30309d}".
(32-bit) registry key; Set its value to "0"; After refreshing the desktop, you can see the disappearing IE icon reappear. Right-click to view related Internet browsing settings. If there is no one named "{871c5380-42a0-1069-a2a-08002b30309d}", please create a new one yourself.