What kind of health standards did the United Nations World Health Organization put forward?

In its latest World Health Magna Carta, the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as: health is not only physical illness and weakness, but also the all-round development of physical, psychological and social adaptability. This definition clearly puts forward that health includes both mental state and physical state, which has been recognized by many countries.

The United Nations World Health Organization further put forward the health standard of 10. Namely: 1. Full of energy, not too nervous and tired to undertake daily life and heavy work.

2. Optimistic and willing to take responsibility.

3. Be good at rest and have a good sleep.

4. Strong adaptability and adaptability to the environment.

5. Can resist common diseases.

6. Moderate weight and well-proportioned figure.

7. Bright eyes and keen reaction.

8. Clean teeth, no dental caries, no pain, normal gum color and no bleeding.

9. Hair is shiny and free of dandruff.

10. Full muscles and elastic skin.