What are the characteristics of narcissistic personality?

Narcissistic personality is also called narcissistic personality disorder, and its main symptoms include unrealistic arrogance, excessive fantasy, self-uniqueness, excessive demand for praise, sense of privilege, interpersonal exploitation, lack of affection, excessive jealousy and arrogance.

1. Unrealistic conceit: patients show excessive self-confidence and even exaggerate self-evaluation in all aspects. When their self-confidence is challenged, they may feel angry, humiliated or depressed.

2. Overfantasy: Unrealistic fantasy of infinite success, power and ideal love. In extreme cases, they may even think that they can achieve endless success, wealth and beauty.

3. Ego uniqueness: I think I am unique, and only other special or high-ranking people can understand or associate with me.

4. Ask for praise too much: belittle those who don't admit or praise.

5. Sense of privilege: Unreasonably expecting special treatment and thinking that you have an innate privilege that others cannot deprive.

6. Interpersonal exploitation: using others to achieve their own goals, regardless of others' feelings, wishes or rights.

7. Lack of empathy: unwillingness or inability to understand the feelings and needs of others, lack of empathy.

8. Excessive jealousy: always jealous of others, or think that others are jealous of themselves.

9. Arrogance: Exaggerate one's own value and even maintain an arrogant image by fabricating lies or facts.

If the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to go to the psychological department of the hospital for professional help.