What circumstances should we pay special attention to the health of the elderly?

The health of the elderly is an important part of national health. Under the trend of aging society in our country, whether it is home-based or institutional pension, family members or nursing staff who provide help to the elderly must first understand what they should take care of in order to help the elderly keep healthy. Let's talk about it briefly.

1, weight The elderly should have their weight measured once a month. Elderly people with mobility difficulties should be measured by family members or nursing staff.

When there is danger of dehydration, such as high temperature, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, * hospitalization after infection, emotional injury, * recent heart attack.

2. Nutrition When the following situations occur, family members or nursing staff should pay special attention to the nutritional status of the elderly and evaluate whether there is malnutrition: * when the elderly follow the doctor's advice or decide to go on a diet by themselves, * when the elderly eat less than three days before, * when the elderly are partial to food and eat a lot of certain foods, such as meat, milk or vegetables.

3, hydration * Family members or nursing staff should always remind the elderly to drink water, to ensure that the elderly drink at least 1 liter every day, * If there is a risk of dehydration, such as high temperature, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, drink more water than usual.

4. The decline of various activity levels means that the elderly are in a state of fatigue or decreased energy, which is an early manifestation of malnutrition. Therefore, on the one hand, family members or caregivers who provide help to the elderly should ensure that the elderly eat normally, on the other hand, they should ensure that the care objects are: * physical activities: walking, gardening, housework, * mental activities or hobbies: reading, table tennis, chess, etc. * Social interaction