Su Shi was transferred to Xuzhou. The Yellow River burst its banks near Caocun, and the flood overflowed the water margin, overflowed from the South Qinghe River and gathered at the gates of Xuzhou. The rising water will soon be discharged into the city, and the walls will soon be washed away. The rich people in the city are scrambling to escape from the city to take refuge. Su Shi said: "The rich all leave the city, and the people's hearts are shaken. Who will guard the city with me? " As long as I'm here, I won't let the water burst its banks and destroy the city walls. "So he drove the rich back to the city.
When Su Shi arrived at Wuwei camp, he called out the pawn head and said, "The river is going to rush into the city. It's urgent. Although you are forbidden, you should work for me for the time being. " The commander said, "If you don't escape from the flood, we villains should work for you." So the commander led his soldiers out of the camp with a cup and built a long dam in the southeast. The dike starts from the circus and ends at the city wall.
It rained all day and all night, with only three broken walls. Su Shi lives in the city every day, even if he enters the door, he doesn't enter. He sent officials to guard the city wall and finally held Xuzhou city. He also asked the workers in the year of invention to build the old city and build the embankment with wood to prevent the second time. The court agreed with him.
Original text:
Move to Xuzhou. The river decides Cao Zhai, floods the water margin, overflows the South Qinghe River, and meets at the city gate. Cities rise and fall, and the rich try their best to avoid water. Shi said, "If the people waver, who will keep it?" ? I am here, and water can never defeat the city. "Drive back. Shi Yi called the commander-in-chief of the State of Wu and said, "The river will invade the city. It is urgent. Although the army is forbidden, you should do your best for me. "
The commander of the pawn said, "I am cautious, and I can't avoid doodling, so I am my servant." He took his apprentice out with a cup of rice, built the southeast causeway, opened the circus first, and finally went to town. Shi Lu lived above, but not at home, so that officials blocked him and he died in the whole city. Please call your husband, build the old city into a wooden bank, and let the water come again. The court followed it.
From The History of Song Dynasty? Su Shichuan.
In Yuan _ 4 (1089), Su Shi was a bachelor of Longtuge and knew Hangzhou. Su Shi went to Hangzhou as an official for the second time, and the drought and famine and plague occurred together in Hangzhou. Su Shi asked the court to reduce the rice supplied on the road by one third, and was ordered to give it to the shaved monk in exchange for rice to help the hungry.
In the spring of the fifth year of Yuan Dynasty (1090), we sold the square meters at a reduced price, made a lot of thick porridge and soup, sent people with doctors to treat people in different neighborhoods, and saved many people. Su Shi said: "In Hangzhou, where land and water meet, there are often more people killed by plague than in other places." So he concentrated an extra 2000 yuan of public funds. Su Shi took out 520 taels of his own gold, opened a sick shop and saved a little money to treat the sick.