First: the amount insured. The role of insurance is to provide help in the event of serious illness, accidents and other large expenditures. If the coverage is too low, it will not play its due role. Compare several companies.
Second: claim settlement. In case of emergency, money is badly needed. If you settle claims one day earlier and deal with them one day earlier, the speed of settlement is very important!
Third: the scope of protection. Of course, the wider the scope, the better. Ping An Company's children's Ping An Fu, including 45 kinds of serious diseases, 8 kinds of mild serious diseases (multiple claims can be made) and 10 kinds of children's specific serious diseases, is the most comprehensive package at present. It can be upgraded to 80 kinds of serious diseases and 20 kinds of mild and serious diseases in adulthood.
Fourth: waiting period. The waiting period is the observation period, after which the serious illness will take effect. If a serious illness occurs during the waiting period, the premium paid will be refunded and no claims will be made. Therefore, the shorter the waiting period, the better! The waiting period for serious illness is 90 days, which can be compared with other companies.