What should be the amniotic fluid volume in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Let's talk about it first? What is amniotic fluid? Amniotic fluid can be said to be the magical water that breeds the fetus, and it is also the fetus's? Umbrella? . After pregnancy, there will be some liquid in the amniotic cavity of the uterus. As the fetus gets bigger, there will be more and more fluid. This is amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid is a colorless and transparent alkaline liquid, mostly water, and also contains some minerals, fetal fat, uric acid, urea and other components, which are mixed together to form amniotic fluid.

What is the amniotic fluid index in the third trimester? In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, B-ultrasound is usually performed to check the amniotic fluid depth or amniotic fluid index to measure the amniotic fluid volume.

1, how to calculate the amniotic fluid index?

Divide the uterus into four parts and measure the vertical depth of the largest sheep pond in each part, which adds up to the amniotic fluid index.

As shown below: Amniotic fluid index is 2.8+1.4+2.7+3.1=10 cm, which is within the normal range.

2. What is the amniotic fluid index?

The normal range of amniotic fluid index is 8- 18 cm.

Oligohydramnios: Amniotic fluid index? 5 cm;

Oligohydramnios: Amniotic fluid index? 8 cm;

Polyhydramnios: Amniotic fluid index18-24 cm;

Polyhydramnios: Amniotic fluid index? 25 cm (amniotic fluid index between 25-35 is mild polyhydramnios, 36-45 is moderate polyhydramnios).

PS: Both polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios are calculated by doctors according to B-ultrasound, which are abnormal. It is suggested to treat according to the doctor's advice to ensure the safety of the fetus.

What are the functions of amniotic fluid? 1. Amniotic fluid can play a buffering role in the mother's uterus, protecting the fetus from external shocks and avoiding positive injuries;

2. amniotic fluid can stabilize the temperature in the uterus and keep the temperature at all times? Constant temperature state? Give the fetus a comfortable environment for growth and development;

3. With amniotic fluid, the fetus can freely stretch its limbs in amniotic fluid, and the limbs will not be deformed due to adhesion;

4. What can I see when I do B-ultrasound during pregnancy? Changes in amniotic fluid depth? Judging the health status of the fetus in the mother;

5. In the process of delivery, it can reduce the pressure of uterine contraction on the fetus and protect the safety of the fetus. In addition, amniotic fluid can also lubricate the birth canal to ensure that the fetus can easily slip out during delivery.

The above is the answer to this question. I hope I can help you and wish you a smooth pregnancy. (The picture comes from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. )