Formula and making method of authentic donkey-hide gelatin cake

The best way to eat Ejiao is Ejiao cake, which is made of black sesame, walnut, jujube, medlar and rock sugar. It is pure, sweet and delicious, and more nutritious. Especially when I make it myself, it doesn't smell at all. It's delicious and delicious, and sometimes I can't help eating one more piece.

Ejiao is a national treasure tonic. Made from secret recipe, it is very effective for invigorating qi and nourishing blood. It has been favored by women since ancient times. Sufficient qi and blood, rosy face, not thousands of sets of cosmetics can be smoothed, early maintenance will lead to late decline. The more balanced qi and blood are, the healthier people are.

Gelatin cake

Material: Ejiao 500g.

Ingredients: 500ml of yellow rice wine, 400g of rock sugar, 500g of red dates, 500g of walnuts, 500g of black sesame seeds and 200g of medlar.

Practice: Use a small hammer to smash the donkey-hide gelatin through the package, then open it and pour the small piece of donkey-hide gelatin into a pulverizer to grind it into fine powder. The best donkey-hide gelatin is dark brown under the light, pure and free of impurities, with a very bright section and no odor.

Pour Geely powder into a non-stick pan, add yellow wine, and it will be jelly-like after soaking for one night, and the wine will be much lighter. 10 yuan just buy a bottle of yellow wine. 20 yuan, one bottle is too strong.

Get all the materials ready. Fried black sesame seeds; Wash red dates and dry them thoroughly; Remove the core from jujube and cut into jujube slices.

Put the old rock sugar into a wall-breaking machine and grind it into powder. Boil donkey-hide gelatin soaked in yellow wine with low fire, stir while cooking until donkey-hide gelatin is completely softened, and add rock sugar powder.

Stir with low heat until the pot is full of thick bubbles and you can smell the fragrant brown sugar. Add medlar and mix well.

Then add red dates, walnuts and black sesame seeds in turn, mix well and keep the fire low. Mix everything well before adding another one. The more you stir, the thicker it becomes. You must be patient and try to mix it evenly.

Turn off the fire after mixing all the ingredients evenly. In the whole boiling process, if the fire is too big or the stirring is slow and it is burnt, the boiled donkey-hide gelatin cake will be bitter. Brush a thin layer of oil in the crisper.

Pour all the cooked donkey-hide gelatin cakes into the fresh-keeping box while it is hot, and compact them so that the surface is smooth. After thorough cooling, refrigerate until it becomes hard, take out the slices, and then store them in the refrigerator for slow consumption. It's best to pack them into single pieces for better storage.

How to eat: take two tablets a day.

Ejiao can't be eaten with raw radish. One is invigorating qi, and the other is discouraging.