How to fill out a computer-aided health statement

Under the situation of epidemic prevention and control in COVID-19, health declaration is a necessary condition for candidates. Candidates must provide a health statement 14 days before the exam before entering the examination room. It is impossible to enter the examination room without a health statement.

To fill in the health statement, you must download it first. This is the interface that will pop up when you sign up to download the admission ticket number, as shown in the figure. Click to download:

Health guidance printing

In addition to printing, you need to fill in the health instructions 14 days before the exam. The specific steps are as follows:

1. The first page is some health statements. You need to fill in the date, signature and contact number. Needless to say this step.

2. The second page is the self-test registration form for specific questions. Fill in the date and the question. At this time, it is necessary to fill in the form truthfully. You can't cheat before the exam. Please fill in the form in detail. It is best to set a reminder or alarm clock every day to avoid forgetting one day, especially the last few days. Once you forget, you will fall short.

The above is the process of filling out the secondary computer health report. It should be noted that if you have any physical abnormalities during the punching, you need to see a doctor in time and apply for the corresponding test center. The health statement needs to be handed in on the day of the exam. Don't miss it.