What is the definition of "health" proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO)? What are the influencing factors?

The definition of health put forward in the WHO Charter is: "Health is not only the absence of disease and pain, but also a state of complete physical, social and mental health of individuals." The main factors affecting health are:

(1) Environmental factors: including biological, chemical, physical, socio-psychological, economic, cultural and other factors.

(2) Lifestyle: including nutrition, customs, behaviors (smoking, drinking, drug abuse, unclean sex) and physical exercise.

(3) Health services: medical and health facilities and systems and their utilization.

(4) Biological genetic factors. Among them, environmental factors play a major role in health, followed by lifestyle.

(5) People will know that they have the power to get rid of avoidable diseases and win health, and understand that diseases are not inevitable.