Mutual recognition of health codes makes people's travel process from tedious to simple, and there is no need to repeatedly switch between multiple sites and additional nucleic acid detection, which not only effectively brings convenience, but also increases people's sense of gain and happiness and relieves negative emotions. Repeated nucleic acid detection and repeated health password conversion will bring a lot of unnecessary consumption of manpower and material resources, which is not conducive to the optimal allocation of epidemic prevention resources. Mutual recognition of health laws and regulations can promote the orderly progress of routine epidemic prevention and promote the economic improvement of different industries.
After all, the situation is much better now than before, and low-risk areas no longer need to be isolated from other places. However, with the improvement of the scientificity and accuracy of epidemic prevention and control in various places. There is no conflict between epidemic prevention and convenient travel. Now is the peak season of summer consumption, and mutual recognition of nucleic acid research results is a "key issue" under the background of "national strategy" to prevent and control epidemic situation and maintain normal production and living order. It is of great significance to improve the scientificity and accuracy of epidemic prevention work.
Not only must nucleic acid test results be mutually recognized, but also health coding, vaccination registration and location coding should be coordinated. Only by weaving all the "key details" in epidemic prevention and control together and establishing a dense and effective national evidence base can people's lives be truly relaxed and help to realize the "national chess game" in epidemic prevention and control.