How many are normal platelets?
The normal value is 100-300, less than 20, and the symptoms and signs are 1. In patients with drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia, the incubation period before the onset of bleeding symptoms is short, and it can occur within a few hours after taking the medicine, and it can occur several months later. Generally, chills, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting occur for 5- 10 days. 2. Patients with other immune thrombocytopenia are taught to show systemic skin purpura, nosebleed or menorrhagia in women, fatigue, pallor, dark urine, and occasionally show signs of renal damage, such as hypertension, hematuria, azotemia and other nervous systems. There are few symptoms. Tricoagulation disease 1, aplastic anemia and bone marrow diseases: aplastic anemia caused by various reasons has the characteristics of bone marrow megakaryocytopenia and thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia may be the earliest manifestation of aplastic anemia, or it may be that hemoglobin and granulocytes have not recovered after treatment. In bone marrow diseases, such as cancer infiltration, thrombocytopenia is mostly caused by tumor cells destroying megakaryocytes and thin legs, so examination of bone marrow can definitely diagnose the former. The latter can find that the physical and chemical factors of tumor cell 2 inhibit bone marrow: physical and chemical factors such as ionizing radiation, alkylating agents, antimetabolites, cytotoxic agents and so on. It is a common complication in the treatment of malignant tumor, or directly poisons bone marrow cells or produces immune response. Most of these factors make patients with diffuse bone marrow injury show whole blood decrease, but a few patients have megakaryocyte sensitivity to radiation, because some diseases can only show thrombocytopenia, megakaryocytopenia and 3-selective inhibition. Factors of megakaryocyte production: Chlorthiazide and its synergist can not only produce platelet antibodies, but also inhibit platelet production to cause thrombocytopenia, which is generally considered as pharmacological action. Patients with myelosuppression and megakaryocytopenia can be as high as 25% of individual pregnant women who take this medicine. After taking this medicine, they will cause congenital thrombocytopenia in newborns. 4. Congenital megakaryocytopenia: This rare megakaryocytopenia and platelet are obviously reduced, often accompanied by congenital malformations such as kidney, heart and bone, and the prognosis is about 2/ 2. Three children died of intracranial hemorrhage within 8 months, and their mother suffered from rubella during pregnancy. Oral administration of D860 may be the pathogenic factor. Others: Estrogen can occasionally cause agranulocytosis thrombocytopenia. Alcohol can inhibit thrombocytopenia, which is a common cause of long-term heavy drinking. There is little bleeding in clinic, and platelets can recover to four invalid platelets after stopping drinking. This disease is common in some megaloblastic cells with vitamin B 12 or folic acid deficiency. Anemia patients are characterized by thrombocytopenia, some patients are prone to bleeding, some are characterized by whole blood reduction, and bone marrow megakaryocytes are normal or even increased, so it is invalid platelet production. With the treatment of juvenile poverty, platelets can return to normal. Thrombopoietin deficiency is thrombocytopenia caused by congenital thrombopoietin deficiency. Most of them are hereditary bleeding in infancy, with decreased platelet count and no special morphological and structural changes in the number of megakaryocytes. Six-cycle thrombocytopenia is a hemorrhagic disease caused by unknown periodic thrombocytopenia. It is common that thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis appear alternately on a regular basis, and the interval is usually 20-30 days. This disease is more common in women, and its attack is often consistent with menstruation. During menstrual period, platelets decrease, the amount of bleeding increases, and megakaryocytes generally do not decrease, mainly skin and mucous membrane bleeding. There is no specific treatment for thrombocytopenia caused by seven spleen diseases. Under normal circumstances, in the body. 1/ 3% of platelets remain in the spleen. When splenomegaly occurs, such as portal hypertension, gaucher's disease, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, Folthy's syndrome, etc., the platelet count can be reduced, but the total platelet count in the body does not decrease. Injection: After epinephrine injection, the platelet count can be significantly increased in a certain period of time, and sometimes there may be factors that increase platelet destruction. Infectious thrombocytopenia is a thrombocytopenic hemorrhagic disease caused by virus, bacteria or other infections. Virus infection: Virus infections that can cause thrombocytopenia include measles, rubella, herpes simplex, chickenpox cytomegalovirus infection, viral hepatitis, influenza, mumps, infectious mononucleosis, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, cat's paw fever, dengue fever and other viruses, which can invade megakaryocytes, reduce platelet production, and viruses can also adsorb on platelets, resulting in increased platelet damage; Some patients with severe measles and epidemic hemorrhagic fever consume platelets due to disseminated intravascular coagulation. Bacterial infection: Many bacterial infections can cause thrombocytopenia, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial septicemia, meningococcal bacteremia, typhoid tuberculosis, bacterial endocarditis, scarlet fever and brucellosis. Bacterial toxin can inhibit platelet production or increase platelet destruction, but it can also increase platelet consumption, because toxin will affect the function of blood vessel wall. In short, patients with simple thrombocytopenia are clear. Signs of infection should be considered. After the infection of pathogens is controlled, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the patient's medication history to exclude drugs that increase platelet damage in sensitive patients. About 5% patients treated with heparin will develop thrombocytopenia. To keep the arteriovenous catheter unobstructed, even if a very small amount of heparin is used, thrombocytopenia will occur. Other drugs, such as quinidine, quinine, sulfanilamide, oral hypoglycemic agents, gold salts and rifampicin. There are also very important contents in the medical history, which may lead to the symptoms of basic immune diseases (such as joint pain, Raynaud's syndrome and unknown fever); Suggest the signs and symptoms of thrombotic thrombocytopenia; /kloc-blood transfusion within 0/0 days suggests that it may be purpura after blood transfusion, and heavy drinking suggests thrombocytopenia caused by alcohol. 5% of pregnant women may have mild thrombocytopenia during delivery. Because patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are often accompanied by thrombocytopenia, they can be distinguished from idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. From this, we can get the risk factors and history of other HIV infection symptoms. Physical examination is also very important for diagnosis: (1) Thrombocytopenia is usually secondary to infectious or active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and thrombotic thrombocytopenia (TTP), and sometimes fever occurs. However, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and drug-related purpura did not have fever. (2) Spleen of patients with thrombocytopenia is not enlarged due to the increase of platelet destruction (such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, drug-related immune thrombocytopenia, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura). The spleen of patients with thrombocytopenia secondary to retention of platelets in the spleen is mostly palpable, as is the spleen of patients with thrombocytopenia secondary to lymphoma or myeloproliferative diseases. (3) Other signs of chronic liver disease are also significant for diagnosis, such as spider nevus, jaundice and liver palm. (4) Thrombocytopenia often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy. Peripheral blood cell count is a key examination to determine thrombocytopenia and its severity. At the same time, blood smear examination can provide clues for its pathogenic examination. If thrombocytopenia is not accompanied by other diseases that affect hemostasis (such as liver disease or disseminated intravascular coagulation), the hemostatic function screening test is normal. If bone marrow examination shows abnormalities other than thrombocytopenia on blood smear, the examination has indications. This examination can provide information about the number and morphology of megakaryocytes. And determine whether there are diseases that lead to bone marrow failure (such as myelodysplastic disorder). The detection of anti-platelet antibody has little clinical significance. If the patient's medical history or examination provides evidence of HIV infection risk, HIV antibody testing should be carried out.