Nine pseudo-healthy foods?

Here are some fake health foods:

1. Fruit juice: Fruit juice contains a lot of sugar, which often reduces the nutritional value of fruit juice. If you want to choose fruit juice, it is recommended to choose freshly squeezed fruit juice with proper amount of vegetables.

2. Energy bars: Energy bars are often advertised as healthy and nutritious, but many energy bars contain a lot of additives, sugar and fat, resulting in high calories and sugar.

3. salad oil: salad oil is usually considered as healthy edible oil, but in fact, most salad oils contain too many unhealthy trans fatty acids, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

4. Salad sauce: Salad sauce is thick and delicious, but it often contains high fat, high sugar and high calorie, which increases the calorie intake.

5. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is rich in nutrition, but more sugar and fat are often added in the production process, resulting in higher calories, which is not conducive to health.

6. Honey: Although honey contains nutrients, its sugar content is relatively high. Excessive intake can lead to diseases such as weight gain and diabetes.

7. Yogurt: Yogurt contains a lot of nutrients such as protein and calcium, but many brands of yogurt contain a lot of sugar and additives, which can easily lead to obesity and dental problems.

8. Canned fruit: Canned fruit often contains a lot of syrup and additives, which makes it too high in sugar, calories and salt. Excessive intake can lead to obesity and other problems.

9. Baked potato chips: The surface of baked potato chips is crisp, which makes many people mistakenly think that it has no oil. In fact, it still contains a lot of oil and salt, and regular intake will increase calories.