Inquiring about the electronic driving license in Alipay shows that the violation has not been handled. What is epilepsy?

Inquiring about the electronic driving license in Alipay shows that the violation has not been handled, and the illegal seizure has not been handled. That is, the driver's license did not pay the illegal fine. It is suggested to carefully check whether there are other unpaid or paid illegal fines, but due to the delay in uploading information online, it is impossible to update the information in time. If the illegal behavior has been dealt with, it will be ignored and will be eliminated after a period of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of electronic driver's license

Yes, it's convenient to check. Sometimes at home, you can open Alipay to check the electronic driving license, which has the same effect as the ordinary driving license. Disadvantages: according to the traffic safety law, driving partners must carry driver's license and driving license. The traffic police representative did not receive any relevant documents or the electronic version can use the paper version. Therefore, the traffic police do not recognize Alipay's electronic driver's license, so it is best for friends to bring their own driver's license and driver's license when they go out to drive in the future.