Simple content of protecting soil handwritten newspaper

Soil sanitation protection: Take a series of sanitation measures to prevent soil pollution and protect the soil environment. Soil is a fertile loose crust surface and a combination of inorganic and organic matter. Generally speaking, soil has strong adsorption capacity, cation retention capacity and organic matter decomposition capacity. It is the ultimate recipient of various substances in the environment and plays a huge role as a filter and purifier in nature. In addition, soil is the central link of material exchange and circulation in the biosphere. Harmful substances that pollute the soil affect people's health through the food chain. Soil pollution, especially heavy metals and refractory organic matter pollution, is often long-term and difficult to control. Some industrial hazardous solid wastes will cause serious public hazards due to lax management, improper treatment, open storage, rainwater leaching, soil pollution, groundwater pollution and other reasons. Soil is a kind of hard-to-regenerate resource and a basic condition for human survival. For a country with a large population and little land, the sanitary protection of soil is more important.

Can plants protect the soil?

Plants have a protective effect on the soil, and the roots of plants are relatively developed, which can be tightly tied in the soil to fix the soil and prevent soil erosion. Moreover, the leaves of plants can carry out photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide in the air, release oxygen and promote the circulation of the whole ecosystem. Some tall plants have very wide crowns, which can resist the erosion of rain on the soil and avoid destroying the soil. Therefore, plants should be protected and planted reasonably in life.

What kinds of soil are there?

Soil is divided into three categories, namely, sandy soil, clay and loam. Different soils are suitable for planting different crops, sandy soil is suitable for planting Toona sinensis and cactus, and loam is an ideal soil for planting medicinal plants and suitable for planting many kinds of plants. Sandy soil has good ventilation and water permeability, and the drainage in the soil is smooth, so it is not easy to produce water retention, stagnant water and upper stagnant water, while cohesive soil has poor ventilation and water permeability and poor drainage, which is easy to cause surface stagnant water, stagnant water and waterlogging.

How to improve soil

1. In order to improve the porosity of soil, perlite, coarse sand and other substrates can be mixed into the soil to improve the drainage and permeability of the soil.

2. If you want to improve soil fertility, you can add fertilizers such as organic fertilizer and slow-release fertilizer into the soil to improve soil fertility, and use more organic fertilizer to gradually improve soil porosity.

3. If you want to improve the pH of the soil, you can add sulfur powder to the soil, and usually irrigate alum fertilizer water and peel water to reduce the pH of the soil and make the soil sour.