Acute radiation sickness is caused by a large dose of radiation acting on the human body in a short time. Total body irradiation over 100 rad can cause acute radiation sickness, and local acute irradiation can cause local acute injury. Such as temporary or permanent infertility, leukopenia, hematopoiesis disorder, skin ulcer and developmental stagnation. Acute radiation injury is rare at ordinary times and only occurs in the nuclear industry and radiotherapy, due to accidents or under the attack of nuclear weapons.
Chronic radiation sickness is caused by long-term exposure to a certain dose of radiation. Long-term systemic exposure to chronic radiation exceeding the allowable dose can cause chronic radiation sickness; Local exposure to excessive chronic radiation can cause chronic damage, such as chronic skin damage, hematopoietic dysfunction, impaired fertility, cataract and so on. Chronic injury is common in radiation workers, mainly neurasthenia syndrome, accompanied by changes in hematopoietic system or organ function and common leukopenia.
Radioactive diseases are classified as occupational diseases, and corresponding national diagnostic standards have been formulated.
Embryos and fetuses are sensitive to radiation. Early exposure of embryo implantation can increase the mortality before death; Exposure during organ formation will increase the deformity rate; During fetal exposure, the incidence of microcephaly, mental retardation and other developmental disorders increased. Therefore, women of childbearing age and pregnant women have special requirements in protection.
The long-term random effect of radiation is that radiation may lead to cancer and genetic damage. Among the exposed people, leukemia, lung cancer and thyroid cancer. The incidence of breast cancer, bone cancer and other cancers increases with the increase of radiation dose. Radiation may cause gene mutation and chromosome aberration in germ cells, and increase the incidence of various genetic diseases in the offspring of irradiated people.