Tobacco itself is not so harmful to human body. After burning, the temperature of tobacco reaches 800-900 degrees, so cigarettes are produced. Sometimes there are more than 4000 harmful ingredients in cigarettes. There are three main types, one is called nicotine, the second is called tobacco tar, and the third is called carbon monoxide.
Nicotine, also known as nicotine, is the main addiction source of cigarettes.
Research shows that:
1 Nicotine in cigarettes can be poisoned 1 mouse.
Nicotine in 25 cigarettes can poison a cow.
Pure nicotine in 40-60 cigarettes will poison a person.
Tobacco tar, commonly known as tobacco oil seeds, contains a variety of carcinogens and adheres to the surfaces of smokers' trachea, bronchi and alveoli, which mainly damages human respiratory function.
Carbon monoxide Each cigarette can produce 20-30mg of carbon monoxide when burned. If many smokers gather in crowded and unventilated rooms, the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air can reach 0.05%, which is close to the concentration of gas poisoning.