(2) Property ownership: Parents regard their children as their own private property and can do whatever they want with their children.
(3) Reverse dependence: children are in a dominant position, parents are in a subordinate position, and almost all decisions depend on children.
(4) Conflict type: There is obvious conflict between parents and children. Parents attack their children and children fight back at their parents.
(5) Spoiling type: either overprotective, with more restrictions on children, or fully appreciated. No matter what children do, parents will appreciate their children and seldom evaluate their behavior.
(6) Guiding equality: Parents have certain authority in front of their children, and children also have full democracy. In the process of getting along, there are not only the affection of parents and children, but also the friendship between friends. But parents still play a leading role in this relationship. It is a healthy parent-child relationship.