There are hundreds of inspection indicators.
I. Current items
Clinical significance of the normal range of English abbreviations of test items
Red blood cell count RBC male (4.4-5.7) ×1012/L.
Female (3.8-5.1) ×1012/l
Newborn (6-7 years old) × 10 12/L
Children (4.0-5.2) ×1012/lrbc =
RBC↓, anemia, leukemia, massive or persistent small bleeding, severe parasitic diseases, pregnancy, etc.
Hb, Hgb male 120- 165g/L
The clinical significance of the increase or decrease of female110-150g/l hemoglobin is basically the same as that of red blood cell count.
Hematocrit PCV or HCT male 0.39-0.5 1
Female 0.33-0.46 PCV↑ dehydration concentration, extensive burns, severe vomiting and diarrhea, diabetes insipidus, etc.
PCV↓ anemia, water poisoning, pregnancy.
The average red blood cell volume MCV 80- 100fL MCV, MCH and MCHC are three screening indexes for diagnosing anemia.
Average cellular hemoglobin MCH 27-32Pg.
The average cellular hemoglobin concentration MCHC is 320-360g/L.
Ret c count of reticulocyte is 0.5%-65438 0.5% in adults, which is found in various proliferative anemia.
Ret c ↓ Kidney diseases, endocrine diseases, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, etc.
Platelet count PLT BPC (100-300) ×109/L = increase, acute blood loss, hemolysis, polycythemia vera, primary thrombocytosis, chronic myeloid leukemia, after splenectomy (within 2 months), acute rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, malignant tumor, etc.
Platelet count PLT BPC (100-300) ×109/l decreased ① hereditary diseases. ② Acquired diseases, immune thrombocytopenic purpura, systemic lupus erythematosus and various anemia.
And diseases of spleen, kidney, liver and heart. And aspirin, antibiotics, drug allergies.
White blood cell count WBC adult (4-10) ×109/l.
Children (5- 12)× 109/L
Neonatal (15-20)× 109/L increase: inflammation caused by several bacterial infections, as well as extensive burns, uremia, infectious mononucleosis, infectious lymphocytosis, whooping cough, schistosomiasis, paragonimiasis, leukemia, leukemia-like, malignant tumor, tissue necrosis, various allergies, postoperative and so on.
Leukopenia: cold, measles, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, malaria, typhoid fever, relapsing fever, miliary tuberculosis, severe infection, septicemia, pernicious anemia, aplastic anemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, hypersplenism, acute granulocytopenia, tumor chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, various drugs such as antipyretic and analgesic drugs, antibiotics, antineoplastic drugs, antiepileptic drugs, etc.
Physiological increase of white blood cell count: newborn, pregnancy, delivery period, menstrual period, strenuous exercise after meals, cold water bath, sunbathing, ultraviolet radiation, tension, fear, nausea and vomiting.
White blood cells and DC neutrophils were classified and counted.
Rod nucleus 1%-5%
Lobular nucleus increased by 50%-70%: acute and purulent infections (furuncle, abscess, pneumonia, appendicitis, erysipelas, septicemia, visceral perforation, scarlet fever, etc. ), all kinds of poisoning (acidosis, uremia, lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, etc. ), tissue injury, malignant tumor, acute bleeding, acute hemolysis, etc.
Decrease: found in infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, measles and influenza, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some hematological diseases (aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, myelodysplastic syndrome), hypersplenism, autoimmune diseases, etc.
eosinophilic granulocyte
0.5%-5.0% increase: it is found in allergic diseases, dermatoses, parasitic diseases, some blood diseases, after radiotherapy, after splenectomy, and in the recovery period of infectious diseases.
Decrease: seen in typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever, glucocorticoid and adrenocorticotropic hormone are used.
0%- 1% increased in chronic myeloid leukemia, basophilic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease and splenectomy.
Some infectious diseases (whooping cough, infectious mononucleosis, infectious mononucleosis, infectious lymphocytosis, chickenpox, measles, rubella, mumps, viral hepatitis, lymphocytic leukemia and lymphoma, etc.) increased by 20%-40%. ).
Reduce the incidence of acute infectious diseases, radiation sickness and immunodeficiency.
The recovery period of tuberculosis, typhoid fever, infective endocarditis, malaria, monocytic leukemia, kala-azar and infectious diseases increased by 3%-8%.
Bleeding time BT 1-3min.
More than 4 minutes is prolonged, which can be seen in tuberculosis or vascular wall functional defect, platelet quantity or quality defect, von Willebrand disease and so on. And the side effects of various drugs, occasionally obstructive jaundice, vitamin K deficiency and anticoagulant therapy overdose.
Coagulation time test tube method
Coagulation time slide method CCT 5- 12 minutes
The prolongation of 1-4min is seen in hemophilia A, B and VII deficiency, and also in patients with serious deficiency of prothrombin factors V, X and fibrinogen, and anticoagulant substances in blood circulation. Shortening: seen in the hypercoagulable stage of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
If the carbon monoxide test is negative and positive, report it immediately and rescue it as soon as possible.
The male erythrocyte sedimentation rate is less than 65438 0.5 mm/h.
Female weight gain is less than 20mm/h:① Physiology, exercise, menstrual period, pregnancy for more than 3 months (to 3 weeks after delivery) and more than 3 weeks) 60 years old.
② Pathological: various inflammations. Rheumatic fever active stage, tuberculosis active stage, tissue injury and ring death lasted for 2-3 weeks, and the onset was about 65438 0 weeks. Malignant tumor, other kinds of hyperglobulinemia, anemia and hypercholesterolemia.
Decrease: Mainly seen in polycythemia, hemoglobinopathy, low fibrinogen, hereditary spherocytosis, erythrohypochromic anemia, congestive heart failure, cachexia and anti-infective drugs.
Urine specific gravity SG 1.003- 1.030 morning urine is greater than 1.020.
24-hour urine is1.015-1.025.
When the infant's urine specific gravity increases more than 1.002- 1.006, it is concentrated urine, which is found in acute nephritis, nephropathy, cardiac insufficiency, high fever, dehydration, physical weakness and uncontrolled diabetes.
When the specific gravity drops less than 1.005, it is hypotonic urine, which is found in uremia, primary or cardiogenic collapse, chronic renal failure and malignant hypertension. When the urine contains radioactive contrast agent, the specific gravity can be greater than 1.050.
The PH value of acid-base reaction is 4.5-8. Most nighttime urine with a pH of about 6 is more acidic than daytime urine. When eating a lot of plant foods, especially citrus fruits, the HP value of urine is high, and there is no metabolic alkalosis caused by potassium deficiency, persistent vomiting, respiratory alkalosis, urinary tract infection and postprandial renal tubular acidosis.
The decrease of PH value can be seen in eating a lot of animal food, potassium deficiency metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, hunger and severe diarrhea.
Pro negative urine protein qualitative-if the test report shows that urine protein is+~++++,it is proteinuria. Urinary protein In addition to functional posture, pathological proteinuria is an early and easily overlooked indicator of kidney disease.
Many drugs can make urine protein positive.
Urine glucose qualitative GLU negative-urine glucose positive can be divided into temporary and pathological, and temporary diabetes is caused by excessive secretion of adrenaline or glucagon during stress. Pathological diabetes is seen in the relative absolute deficiency of insulin secretion, and secondary hyperglycemia diabetes, such as pancreatic diseases, liver diseases, hyperthyroidism, anterior pituitary hyperfunction, adrenocortical hyperfunction, obesity, hypertension and other diseases.
Once KET-negative urine ketone bodies increase, diabetes, ketoacidosis, propanol or ethanol poisoning, hunger, fasting and dehydration will occur.
BLO negative urine occult blood test-reference urine sediment red blood cells.
URB negative or weak positive in urine and bile increased: bilirubin positive in urine can be earlier than jaundice in hepatocellular jaundice, obstructive jaundice and hepatitis.
Urine bile element URO
The content of urinary bile elements in healthy people with UBG is (+) or less than 1: 20 or
Decrease: bile duct obstruction, extensive liver cell damage, renal insufficiency, uric acid.
Urinary nitrite test NIT negative-positive, urinary tract bacterial infection
Microscopic examination of urine sediment;
The increase of RBC 0-3/HPF is common in urinary calculi, tuberculosis, tumors, nephritis and trauma, and also common in diseases of adjacent organs, such as prostatitis or rectal and uterine tumors involving the urinary tract. In addition, infectious diseases such as epidemic hemorrhagic fever and infective endocarditis. Blood diseases such as allergic purpura, leukemia, hemophilia, etc. There will also be more red blood cells in the urine.
Leucocyte WBC 0-5/HPF leukocytosis is mostly purulent cells, which are common in pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, renal tuberculosis, renal tumors and so on. Women may have leukocytosis due to leucorrhea mixed with urine.
A few epithelial cells have no clinical significance.
Clinical observation on the combination of cast and cast.
Conventional CSFRT cerebrospinal fluid does not contain red blood cells and the number of white blood cells is very small. Protein qualitative test 1
Glucose qualitative test, five tubes positive, PH 7.3-7.6 neutropenia: various kinds of meningitis showed increased infectivity, central nervous system bleeding, repeated lumbar puncture, ventriculography, leukemia spreading to tumor metastasis, and non-infectious increase after cerebral vascular embolism.
Many kinds of meningitis can be seen with increased lymphocytes and increased infectivity. Non-infectious increase is seen in drug-induced encephalopathy, Guillain-Barre syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, meningeal sarcoidosis, polyneuritis and arteritis.
Normal semen is a milky white viscous liquid, which will automatically liquefy within 30 minutes after 2.0 ~ 4.0 ml is discharged each time. PH 7.5-8.5, activity rate >; 70%, excellent vitality+good > 50%, WBC<5 pieces /HPF, Royal Bank of Canada.
The routine sperm count of prostatic fluid is 100-200× 109/L, which is milky white liquid with egg scales and liposomes, with white blood cells below 10 /HPF and red blood cells below 5 HPFs. Sperm can be seen. Prostate granulosa cells and amyloid can be detected in elderly patients. Piles of pus cells can be seen during inflammation. If the white blood cells per high visual field exceed 10 ~ 15, it can be diagnosed as prostatitis.
Second, biochemical examination
Clinical significance of the normal range of English abbreviations of test items
Potassium+serum potassium
3.5-5.5 mmol/L.
urine potassium
25 ~ 125mmol/24h hyperkalemia: (1) kidney diseases (2) high-potassium diet, excessive infusion of potassium-containing liquid (3) crush injury, hemolysis, tissue hypoxia, acidosis, diabetes, insulin deficiency, digitalis poisoning, congenital periodic paralysis with hyperkalemia.
Hypokalemia: (1) acute renal failure with polyuria, aldosteronism, drug-induced vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal drainage (2) low-potassium diet, alcoholism, malabsorption, long-term non-eating (3) alkalosis, diabetic acidosis in recovery period, hypokalemic circulatory paralysis, cardiac insufficiency, renal edema and excessive infusion of potassium-free liquid.
Increased urinary potassium: seen in the use of diuretics, primary aldosteronism.
Sodium+serum sodium
135 ~ 145 mmol/l
Urine sodium
130 ~ 260 mmol/L hypernatremia (1) insufficient water intake (2) excessive water loss (3) endocrine diseases.
Hyponatremia (1) chronic renal insufficiency with acidosis, diuretic vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, severe burns, trauma (2) heart failure, liver cirrhosis, acute and chronic renal insufficiency oliguria (3) diabetes insipidus, hypoaldosteronism, adrenal cortex hypofunction (4) acidosis.
Urine sodium determination is often used for differential diagnosis of water loss.
Chlorine CL- serum chlorine
96 ~ 106 mmol/l
Urine chlorine
110 ~125mmol/l increased blood chlorine: decreased blood chlorine in metabolic acidosis: metabolic alkalosis, and simple low chlorine only appears when vomiting or extracting a large amount of gastric juice continuously.
After taking sodium chloride or potassium chloride continuously, urine chlorine increases.
Serum calcium
Adult 2.1-2.8 mmol/L.
Children 2.25-3.0mmol/L.
Urinary calcium increased by 25-7.5mmol/24h: seen in hyperparathyroidism and multiple myeloma, vitamin D is widely used for treatment.
Decrease: primary or secondary hypoparathyroidism, chronic renal insufficiency and severe liver disease, rickets and hypocalcemia convulsions in infants and young children, tetany weakness and osteomalacia, long-term hypocalcemia diet or malabsorption.
Serum phosphorus
0.80- 1.6 mmol/L.
1.45-2. 1 mmol/l
urine phosphorus
9.7-42mol/24h increase of blood phosphorus: primary or secondary hypoparathyroidism, chronic renal insufficiency, excessive intake of vitamin D, multiple myeloma and fracture healing period.
Hypophosphatemia: hyperparathyroidism, tubular degeneration, rickets or rickets, long-term diarrhea, malabsorption and increased sugar utilization in the body require a large amount of phosphate to participate in phosphate metabolism.
Increased urinary phosphorus: hyperparathyroidism, alkalosis and fibrocystic osteitis after parathyroid hormone treatment.
Decreased urinary phosphorus: seen in hypoparathyroidism, renal insufficiency with acidosis.
Serum magnesium
0.5-0.9 mmol/L
0.67- 1.03 mmol/L.
Urinary magnesium
0.98- 10.49mmol/24h increase: seen in acute and chronic renal failure, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, multiple myeloma, adrenal cortex hypofunction and severe dehydration, diabetic coma, etc.
Decrease: insufficient intake, excessive loss, endocrine diseases.
Aspartate aminotransferase/
The aspartate aminotransferase SGOT/AST 0-40U/L ① increased significantly: after all kinds of acute hepatitis and major surgery.
② Moderate increase: liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and biliary obstructive diseases.
③ Mild increase: progressive muscle injury, pleurisy, nephritis, hepatitis, etc.
Alanine transaminase/
Alanine aminotransferase SGPT/ALT 0-40U/L ① increased significantly, which was found in hepatocyte necrosis caused by various drugs in acute hepatitis.
② Moderate increase, liver cancer, liver cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and myocardial infarction. ③ Slightly increased biliary obstructive diseases.
Ldl method of lactate dehydrogenase 109-245U/L
P method 280-460U/L increased: myocardial infarction, hepatitis, lung infarction, malignant tumor, leukemia and so on.
The hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase α-HBDH in patients with myocardial infarction increased from 80 to 200 U/L.
Creatine creatine kinase CK 25-200V/L increased: ① it increased significantly in acute myocardial infarction and could increase in viral myocarditis; ② Progressive muscular atrophy; ③ Other cerebrovascular overflow, meningitis, hypothyroidism, strenuous exercise and various intubation operations.
Creatine kinase and 1 CK-MB (0-25)V/L can improve the diagnostic specificity of acute myocardial infarction.
The increase of blood glucose GLU by 3.90-6. 10mmol/l is seen in diabetes, anterior pituitary hyperfunction, adrenocortical hyperfunction, hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, islet cell tumor, other craniocerebral trauma, intracranial hemorrhage, meningitis, vomiting, diarrhea and high fever.
Physiological increase: such as 65438+ 0-2 hours after meals, emotional tension after glucose injection, etc.
Hypoglycemia: ① After hunger and strenuous exercise, after insulin injection or oral hypoglycemic agents, ② Insulin β-cell tumor, pituitary, adrenal cortex and thyroid dysfunction, chronic malnutrition, hepatitis and liver necrosis.
BUN can be increased by 3.20-7.00mmol/L in various renal diseases.
Creatinine Cr 53.0- 106.00mmol/L increased renal pathological changes.
T-bil 0 ~18.8 umo1/l total bilirubin increased, such as liver cell damage, bile duct obstruction inside and outside the liver, hemolytic disease and neonatal hemolytic jaundice.
Direct bilirubin d-bil 0 ~ 6.84 umo 1/l reference total bilirubin
Total protein TP 60 ~ 80g/L Serum total protein increased ① Dehydration such as insufficient drinking water, diarrhea, vomiting, diabetic acidosis, intestinal obstruction or perforation, burns, traumatic shock, acute infectious diseases, etc. ② Multiple myeloma, monocytic leukemia, tuberculosis, syphilis, blood protozoa, etc. Serum total protein decreased ① bleeding, ulcer, proteinuria, etc. ② Malnutrition, low protein diet, vitamin deficiency, malignant tumor, pernicious anemia, diabetes, toxemia of pregnancy, etc.
Serum albumin ALB 35.0 ~ 55.0 g/L is basically the same as serum total protein.
Alkaline phosphatase ALP adult 20- 1 10u/L
The increase of 20-220U/L in children can be seen in ① bone marrow diseases ② hepatobiliary diseases ③ other hyperthyroidism thyroid adenomas and hyperparathyroidism.
γ -glutamyltransferase GGT
② Mild to moderate increase: infectious hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis.
3 alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.
Cholesterol CHO
CHO 0~5. 18mmo 1/L
< 200 ① is used for the diagnosis and analysis of hyperlipoproteinemia and abnormal lipoproteinemia.
② Used to judge the risk factors of cerebrovascular diseases.
Triglyceride TG 0 ~ 1.6 pmmo 1/l
old age
The reduction (less than 5% of the population) has no important clinical significance. Hypoxia is seen in dyspepsia, chronic wasting diseases, hyperthyroidism, adrenal cortex hypofunction, liver parenchymal lesions and primary β -lipoprotein deficiency.
HDL-C 1. 1.55 MMO 1/l
Male >; 40( 1.03)
The negative correlation between female > 45( 1. 16) cholesterol and the number of patients with coronary heart disease has been confirmed by many epidemiological studies. 1. Physiological increase: exercise (such as athletes' high HDL-C) and drinking.
Alcohol, women taking birth control pills, some cholesterol-lowering drugs (such as Novotel), etc.
2. Physiological decline: people who exercise less react after stress.
3. Pathological decrease: coronary heart disease, hypertriglyceridemia, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency and malnutrition.
4. Pathological elevation: chronic liver disease, chronic toxic disease and hereditary hypercholesterolemia.
HDL cholesterol is a risk factor that has nothing to do with total cholesterol concentration, and it has high expectations.
Therefore, the determination of HDL cholesterol concentration is necessary to evaluate the risk of coronary heart disease.
The increase of LDL-C by 2.84 ~ 3. 10 mmol/L is the main risk factor of atherosclerosis.
Amylase AMS serum 0-220U/L
Urine < 1000U/L .. increased in acute pancreatitis and mumps.
Decrease can be seen in severe liver disease (at the same time, serum urine amylase decreases)
Third, hepatitis marker examination
Brief significance of HBsAg HBSAB HBeAg HBEAB HBCAB Pre-S1AgHBCAB-IgM
Hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B surface antibody, hepatitis B E antigen, hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis B virus pre-S 1 antigen, hepatitis B core antibody, immunoglobulin M antibody and HBsAg are the markers of hepatitis B virus, indicating hepatitis B;
HBeAg, pre-S 1Ag, HBcAb and HBcAb-IgM represent.
Hepatitis B virus is active in replication and highly contagious. HBsAb、HBeAb
It means that the body is immune to the virus and tends to recover.
+-chronic surface antigen carrying; Late incubation period of acute hepatitis B virus infection
+-+-+-Acute hepatitis B has an early onset and is highly contagious.
++++Acute and chronic hepatitis B is highly contagious.
+-+-+Acute and chronic hepatitis B is contagious.
+-++-acute and chronic hepatitis B with weak infectivity.
++++Acute and chronic hepatitis B, highly contagious, hepatitis B E antigen variation.
-+-The core of hepatitis B is anti-recessive, with a history of hepatitis B infection.
-++-acute hepatitis B convalescence or previous infection history.
-+++-Hepatitis B convalescence, with immunity.
-+-Vaccination, hepatitis B rehabilitation and immunization.
+-+-carriers of chronic hepatitis B surface antigen are easy to turn negative.
++++Acute hepatitis B tends to be cured; Chronic surface antigen carrying
+-+-Recover from hepatitis B infection.