There is also a place for everyone to observe the cat's skin and hair. Generally, the skin of healthy cats is moist, not particularly dry, and the cat's hair is thick, very smooth and shiny. But like some sick cats, the hair will become very dry and the skin will become very dry, and some skin diseases will often appear, perhaps because the cat's resistance is reduced or because of some parasites.
In addition, the cat's ears can also check whether the cat is healthy. If the cat has some otitis media or other diseases, it means that the shovel officer needs to take the cat to the hospital for examination. Everyone needs to help cats clean some secretions from their ears regularly. If the cat's ears are smelly, then the sergeant major can also choose to dip a cotton swab in warm water to help the cat clean.
The shovel officer can also choose to observe the cat's breathing properly. If the cat's breathing is tight, it may be because the cat is particularly nervous or the cat has difficulty breathing. Generally, the heartbeat of a cat is much slower than that of a human, about 20 to 30 beats per minute. If the cat coughs badly, it may be that there are some abnormalities in the cat's lungs.