Holy Grail 6 is healthy

Little Acana

magic wand

Mace 1

Right position: invention, creation. Creation and construction. Make a promise and get to work. Positive energy.

Inverse position: gradually deteriorate and decrease. Tired and annoyed.

Mace 2

Right position: turning point, important moment. The work was forced to be interrupted by external forces.

Adversity: Adversity and poverty. Misfortune, disaster. Problems and obstacles.

Mace 3

The correct position: well prepared. Inspiration. Fertile and productive.

Inversion: a temporary change or state. Possible obstacles.

Mace 4

Correct position: finish, end. Overcome obstacles. Termination of responsibility.

Inverse position: stereotype, preconceived.

Mace 5

Suitable position: heavy physical labor, very tired. Active activities. Move, flow.

Think and reflect. Inner struggle, inner troubles. Argument, debate, quarrel.

Scepter 6

Positive position: an unstable victory. A short-lived success.

Inverse position: doubt, instability and impermanence. Opposition and competition. Dilemma, argument.

Staff 7

Positive position: defense, preparedness. The act of defending oneself or protecting material property.

Reverse position: the danger of being stolen or cheated.

Mace 8

Correct position: quick, quick. Timely and without delay. Gain an advantage quickly.

Inverted: slow and dull. Lost opportunity.

Scepter 9

Correct orientation: knowledge and experience. Possibility analysis. Pursuit and execution.

Inversion: false guidance and misleading.

Mace 10

Right position: Tired and bored. Unbearable dependence.

Inverse position: discouraged, depressed, discouraged. Hopes were dashed.

Employee boy

Positive position: capable. Pay attention to details. Apprentice.

Inversion: an absurd and stupid idea. Too enthusiastic, bitch.

Knight of the scepter

Right position: far away, beyond. Tired from the journey. Inexperienced leaders. Inversion: illusion, illusion. Hidden danger.

Queen of scepter

Positive position: intimate, close and familiar. Mature woman. Mom.

Inversion: jealous woman. Lovelorn.

King of wands

Positive position: hard work. An influential and enthusiastic person. Father.

Inverse position: you must listen to advice.


Holy Grail 1

Right position: rich and sufficient. Birthday of a lover or child. Celebration and commemoration. Inversion: an unfortunate result. Retrograde, degeneration, decline.

Holy Grail 2

Right position: love, passionate love. A beautiful relationship. Sincere friendship.

Inverse position: the failure of love. Fight, fight.

Holy Grail 3

Right position: maturity and growth. Career development. Rescue.

Inverse position: care again and again. Waste energy.

Holy Grail 4

Right position: trouble. A dishonest relationship. A dissolute life.

Inverse position: the insecurity of love.

Holy Grail 5

The correct position: fear of losing your mind. Don't believe it. Unsafe and dangerous.

Inversion: a psychological problem. A sense of foreboding.

Holy Grail 6

Orthoposition: memory, memory. That's a good idea. Rest and sleep.

Inverse position: opposition, obstacle. Not too serious family problems.

Holy Grail 7

Correct positioning: flashy and vain. Like to show off and pay attention to self-expression. Narcissism, egotism. Inversion: an unattainable wish. There is no qualitative.

Holy Grail 8

Right position: entertainment, recreation. Ordinary entertainment. Play.

Inverse position: a waste of time. Doing nothing.

Holy Grail 9

Right position: imagination. Creativity. The art of love.

Inversion: an incredible sight. A ridiculous and stupid plan.

Holy Grail 10

Positive position: mature and complete. Family harmony. Renaissance and rebirth.

Inverse position: aging, aging. Stagnant, unable to cheer up.

Holy Grail Maiden

Positive position: new news. A message from a friend. Breaking news.

Inverse position: gossip, gossip. Bad news.

Cup knight

Positive position: attraction, charm. A gift or favorable plan.

Inverse position: too confident and too credulous.

Queen of the Grail

The correct position: oath, engagement. Sincere friends. A loyal wife.

Inverse position: distracted. Betrayed

Holy Grail King

Correct positioning: creativity. Famous teacher. Inventor.

Inversion: sinister intentions. Extortion, unreasonable demands. Plagiarism, plagiarism.

Double-edged straight knife

Sword 1

Orthoposition: energy and driving force. Conquer, conquer. Complete victory.

Inverse position: a difficult battle. An unstable victory.

Sword 2

Correct position: duel, struggle. Stubborn but very loyal.

Inverse position: losing balance and destroying harmony. Divorce and separation. Legal action.

Sword 3

Positive position: it is weakening. Tired and bored. Frequent illness and pain.

Inversion: a hidden dangerous lie. Gross.

Sword 4

The right place: destruction, disaster. Necessary sacrifices. Subconscious depression of self.

Flip: the change of mood. Condemnation and regret of conscience. Fate.

Sword 5

Correct positioning: pay, sacrifice, pay. Lose your freedom.

Inverse position: difficulties and hardships. Oppression, oppression, distress. Strict and bossy.

Sword 6

The right place: the revealed secret. Doubt, doubt. Fear and worry about something. Reversal: An ominous premonition. Bad things, nightmares.

Sword 7

Right position: adventurous spirit. Set out quickly and suddenly Inner search and introspection. Reversal: Dramatic journey, unexpected things.

Sword 8

Positive position: hinder, interfere. Mediation and intervention.

Inverse position: meddle and interfere at will. Not careful enough, misbehaving.

Sword 9

Right position: revenge. Revenge. Heavy penalty, heavy penalty.

Inverse position: cruel. Fierce and vicious

Sword 10

Right position: distress, torture. Very painful. Betrayal, leak.

Inverse position: imprisonment, imprisonment. Unable to overcome obstacles.

Sword boy

Right position: investigation and investigation. Young but excellent scholar.

Inverse position: spy, surveillance. Greedy for profit. An inexperienced young man.

Sword knight

Positive position: impatience and impulsiveness. A person with a fiery personality.

Inversion: Careless or easily angry helper.


Correct position: be strict and cautious. A difficult and strict woman.

Inversion: a woman who is hypocritical or easy to bear grudges.

Sword king

Correct position: judge, decide. A local official or politician who gives orders.

Inverse position: a powerful enemy.

Five-pointed coin

Coin 1

Right position: success, achievement. Lucky moment. Victory.

Inverse position: illegal interests. Missed opportunity, missed opportunity.

Coin 2

Correct positioning: exchange and adjustment. Swap things for things. Interest cooperation and partnership. Inverse position: impatient and impatient. Need money.

Coin 3

Correct position: expansion, expansion. Improve goods. Orderly. Investigation and analysis records.

Inverse position: chaos and disorder. Careless, careless.

Coin 4

Right position: savings, deposits. Visionary. Calm and temperate. Smart.

Inverse position: generous and extravagant. Waste of materials.

Coin 5

Right position: worry, sorrow. A serious problem.

Inverse position: worried about health or economic problems.

Coin 6

The correct position: bold and reckless. Adventure and action.

The opposite position: loss of credit. Gossip.

Coin 7

Positive stance: behavior that benefits others. Help or be helped by others. Gift. Reward, reward. Inversion: jealousy. Pretending to be generous is actually stingy.

Coin 8

Positive position: autonomy. Independence. issue

Inversion: lack of effective methods and poor technology. Loss of dignity and self-confidence.

Coin 9

Correct positioning: making profits and making money. Profits from past investments.

Inverse position: belated welfare, waiting for a long time to get the money.

Coin 10

Right position: wealth. Ancestral property and heritage. Inherit.

Inversion: the problem of inheritance, the argument of inheritance. Mortgage loan.

Coin boy

Positive position: progress. Young people with innovative ideas.

Inverse position: indecisive. Fall back, weaken, decline.

Coin knight

Correct position: cautious and thoughtful. Password, encrypted information. Lawyers, legal professionals. Inversion: deception and betrayal. Hidden enemies. Dark magic, curse.

Coin queen

Positive stance: obedience. A kind and easily injured woman.

Inversion: A stupid, ignorant or reckless woman.

Coin king

Right position: ambitious. A rich and good person in all aspects. Inverse position: depravity and corruption Clash with powerful men.