The difference between health and health

Health is transformed into health,

Health includes seven aspects.

Healthy and healthy

Definition: definition:

Health and use status? Health is a complete physical, psychological and social state? Happiness is not just the absence of disease. "

Healthy state and use-individuals have various abilities. World Health Organization (WHO): Health is the perfect harmony of physique, psychology and society. Health is more than the absence of disease.

"Health is not a state, but an adjustment. It is not a state, but a process. This process enables individuals to adapt not only to our material environment, but also to our social environment "(Presidential Committee)

Health means no disease, but adjustment is not just a state, but a process. For individuals, it is not only our bodies, but also the process of adapting to society and environment.

What is the definition of health by most people? The following contents:

Have no symptoms of illness or pain, be able to stay active, do what you want or have to do, and maintain a good mental state. Most of the time, health is defined as being able to move and do what you want or have to do when you are in a good mental state most of the time.

Health is powerful.

Robustness is a state in which an individual has a developmental state. The greatest possible potential, regardless of the current health status. A positive process. A person moves towards the greatest possible potential, regardless of the current state of the health components of health.

The connotation of stability:

1. physics, such as body level.

A. the ability to perform daily tasks and the ability to complete daily tasks.

B. Achieve fitness and physical fitness

C. Maintain nutrition and proper body fat Maintain nutrition and proper body fat.

D. avoid abusing drugs, alcohol or using tobacco products.

E generally speaking, practicing positive lifestyle habits is usually manifested as positive lifestyle habits.

2. Socialization, for example: social level.

A. Being able to successfully interact with others or the environment in which everyone is a part (people are a part of the environment);

B. Develop and maintain close relationships with important people, and develop and maintain close relationships with relevant people in the same way.

C cultivate respect and tolerance for ideas with different views and beliefs, and respect and tolerate different views and interests.

3. Emotion, such as emotional level

A. the ability to manage stress and properly express emotions!

Ability to manage stress and express emotions appropriately.

B. the ability to recognize, accept and express feelings.

C. the ability to accept your own limitations and the ability to accept the shortcomings of others.

4. Intelligence, such as intelligence level

A. Being able to learn and use information effectively for personal, family and career development, and being able to learn and use information needed by others, family and career development.

B strive for sustained growth and learn to effectively cope with new challenges, strive for sustainable growth and learn to effectively cope with new challenges.

5. Spiritual level, such as spiritual level.

A. Belief in a certain power (nature, science, religion or a "higher power"), which is used to unite human beings and provide meaning and purpose for life. It is believed that a certain power (nature, science, religion or a "higher power") can unite human beings and provide the goal of living meaningfully and establishing life.

B. including a person's morality, values and ethics.

6. Professional level

Ability to balance work and leisure Time has the ability to balance work and leisure.

B. Beliefs about the influence of education, employment and family [(Personal satisfaction and relationship with others

Believe in the relationship between education, career and family influence and personal satisfaction and others.

7. Environmental aspects

A. the ability to promote health measures to improve the living standard and quality of life in the community-the ability to promote the living standard and quality of life in the community.

I. Impacts include: Impacts include:

1. food food

2. Water and water

3. Air air