Prevention is better than cure. Regular physical examination is the key.

Physical examination is helpful to find abnormal and risk factors, and it is very important to follow up or treat the items suggested in the physical examination report.

Mr. Huang, 40, is the director of a foreign company. He often socializes and his life is uncertain. He pays tens of thousands of yuan for advanced health examination every year, but after receiving the report, he throws it aside, does not follow up and never controls his diet. Until this 1 month, I often feel tired, weak, loss of appetite, dizziness and discomfort. I didn't know it was acute hepatitis until I went to the outpatient clinic and found that my liver index suddenly rose, my blood sugar soared and I felt unwell. Looking back at the health examination report, I found that fatty liver existed several years ago, and blood sugar and blood lipid were also increasing year by year. After prescribing the medicine, it has now reached the diagnostic standard of diabetes.

Don't lose the meaning of health examination.

Chen Yuhan, the attending physician of the Family Medicine Department of Chi Mei Medical Center, who accepted the case, pointed out that the purpose of health examination is to find diseases before symptoms appear, or to find risk factors in advance to prevent diseases. Some people spend a lot of money to set aside time for physical examination, but after receiving the report, they don't read it carefully, or ignore the follow-up time and precautions suggested by doctors, and even think that they have done a health examination, so they ignore the symptoms that appear in their bodies, thus losing the significance of health examination.

When the general public sees the scarlet letter on the medical report, they are often worried. In fact, the test results need to match the clinical symptoms and personal risk factors, and it is not entirely based on the numerical value to determine whether it is healthy. Sometimes it takes a period of follow-up and evaluation to confirm the diagnosis.

You can start with a free health check.

There are many kinds and items of health examination. Dr Chen Yuhan suggested that we should start with free health checks, such as cancer screening and adult health checks. Although these projects are basic, they are very important. If you have the spare capacity to arrange your own health examination, you should also tailor it according to your lifestyle and clinical symptoms, consult with your doctor, and establish a personalized health examination plan based on your past history and family history.

Maintain healthy living habits and prevent diseases.

Dr. Chen Yuhan said that in the past, we always said "early detection and early treatment", but with the progress of medical treatment, now we have to say "early detection and early prevention". Health check-up helps to find abnormal and risk factors, and it is important to follow up or treat the items suggested in the health check-up report. Once you find that you are a high-risk group, you should control your diet, exercise, quit smoking, limit alcohol, maintain healthy living habits as soon as possible, prevent the occurrence of diseases, and continue to follow up to understand the effect of improvement and give full play to the value of health examination.

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