Move to Haiyan Cheng. There was a suspected prison in the neighboring city for ten years, and the county ordered the central defender to press it and ask for a decision. Knowing that Chongyang County, next to the sleeping place, facing you with parents and falling in love with you, officials are at a loss. Through the judgment of Huangzhou, the position is also paid, and it is this that abides by discipline and makes the military movement prosperous. The system made him the best. He said, "What is the best job?" After hearing Jiangzhou's judgment, he moved his mind to do the audit work of various departments, and learned that there are some prisons in Ganzhou and Jiangxi, and the Prime Minister Jia Sidao was appointed as the supervisor of the empire. After a long time, I learned about Huizhou, moved to Taifu Temple, and became a right officer. The wheel said: "Rupert can capture the talents of the world, but he can't taste the heroes of the world;" A famous airline can carry the villains in the world, but it can't carry the heroes in Lu Chen. "Those who are angry and sarcastic will catch their officials. After a long time, Syria will recover.
At that time, the national situation was very dangerous, and Zhong Wei made a formal appointment. He said briefly, "It's all veterans who make mistakes. Fuxiang lost something. When it is today's party, but the court has no minister for the country, there is no handsome man next to it. Before Xuanhe went to prison, after Jingkang's defeat, he bowed his head and spit out his heart every day before yesterday, meaning to be a thief today. Strong and sensitive, eager for quick success, that is, people who betray their country today. How can a country facilitate a person? Those who are fascinated by the country will be deceived by their worries in order to meet their monarch. Those who believe in the country dare not discuss the situation of humiliation and defeat. Those who are in the country will not regret the opportunity. I've tasted it and thought about it. Today, there are more than 1000 soldiers. If things happen outside the territory, the general will make it happen, and he will take a step and a half, lead the army out, use his troops to deploy troops, and worry about retreating. Usually, he has no right, and he is responsible for priorities, or he will invite the governor, the governor's border or the capital to create terror. Because of the urgency of drawing lots, the temple had to hide the evil after the defeat, there was nothing to do, there was no punishment after the defeat, and it was shameless from top to bottom and did not dare to discuss it. Beating a horse is below, not enough to suppress the military capacity; Barriers and castles are not enough to control conflicts. It's called Shuai Shuo, but it exists in name only. There are cities without soldiers, and there are cities with enemies; Soldiers don't know how to fight, so they will fight the enemy; Will not know the soldiers, with the country and the enemy. What a spectacular sight! Only when you suddenly change your mind can things in the world be done. Turning defeat into victory, in the ears of Xiang Jun. " It is a small prison in the east of Zhongwei River.
In the first year of Deyou (1275), he moved to the minister's prison, and paid homage to Right Yan Zheng, Zuo Si's admonition, and the suggestion in the temple. The king of Iraq ascended the throne and went to sea, worshiping the ministers of the official department and giving things. Mountain defeat, go to Annan. The more people die in four years, the more people die in seventy years.
Zhong Wei is honest. Although he is rich, he hates clothes and food. He is like everyone else. So I can study the Six Classics, study them carefully, contend with a hundred schools of thought, astronomy, geography, medicine, divination, releasing the old and never searching for clouds.