Attachment: People's Republic of China (PRC) seafarers' physical examination standard
I. Health status
1. Height: new record: the driver's height should be greater than or equal to 1.65M, and other seafarers should be greater than or equal to1.55m. 。
2. Spine and limbs: the facial features are correct, the limbs are not disabled, the unequal length of both lower limbs is less than 2CM, the scoliosis is less than 4CM, and there is no hunchback.
3. Vision: standard logarithmic visual acuity chart or international standard visual acuity chart is adopted, which is defined as:
(1) Captain, pilot and sailor on duty
① New record: The naked vision of both eyes is above 5.0( 1.0), or 4.9(0.8) in one eye and 5. 1( 1.2) in the other eye is qualified.
② Present position: The naked eye vision of both eyes is above 4.9(0.8), or the naked eye vision of one eye is 4.8(0.6) and that of the other eye is 5.0( 1.0).
(2) Chief engineer, engineer on duty, operator and electrician
① New record: The naked eye vision of both eyes is above 4.8(0.6), or that of one eye is above 4.6(0.4), and that of the other eye is above 4.9(0.8), or above 4.6(0.4), but after correction (that is, wearing glasses), the naked eye vision of both eyes can reach 5.0 (10).
② Present position: The naked vision of both eyes is above 4.6(0.4), or one eye is 4.5(0.3) and the other eye is 4.7 (0.5); Or the naked eye vision of both eyes is above 4.5(0.3), but after correction (that is, wearing glasses), the binocular vision can reach 4.9(0.8).
(3) Other crew members and interns of the ship's deck department or engine department can pass the examination according to the "post-holding" standard in 3. 1 or 3.2. Note: The values shown in the national standard visual acuity chart are in brackets.
4. Color vision:
Captain, driver and sailor on duty: color discrimination is completely normal.
Chief engineer, engineer, telegraph operator and electrical engineer: no red and green color blindness.
5. Vision: captain, driver and sailor on duty: horizontal vision is greater than or equal to 150, and vertical vision is greater than or equal to 1 15.
6. Stereoscopic vision: the sharpness value of stereoscopic vision is less than 60 "
7. Listen:
(1) A person who can hear a mechanical stopwatch with a distance of 50 cm in both ears without using any hearing AIDS and visual AIDS is qualified.
(2) The hearing loss of both ears measured by the chief engineer, engineer and mechanic on duty with pure tone audiometer is less than or equal to 25dB in the frequency bands of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0KHZ, and less than or equal to 30 dB in the frequency bands of 3.0, 4.0 and 6.0KHZ.
8. Blood pressure
New record: not higher than 18.66/ 12.0 kPa (140/90 mmHg) and not lower than 12.0/8.0 kPa (90/60 mmHg).
Current position: not higher than 2 1.3/ 12.6 kPa (160/95 mmHg) and not lower than 12.0/8.0 kPa (90/60 mmHg).
Two. professional adaptability
1. Dark adaptation: less than or equal to 50S.
2. Language ability: articulate and not stutter.
3. Occupational taboos:
Cardiovascular system diseases, digestive system diseases, urinary system diseases, blood system diseases, endocrine and metabolic system diseases, neuropsychiatric system diseases, malignant tumors and sexually transmitted diseases.
Four. Infectious diseases:
Crew: Acute viral hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, typhoid fever, cholera, cholera and active tuberculosis.
Kitchen workers, waiters, stewards and carpenters: healthy carriers of typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and cholera, HBSAG positive, alanine aminotransferase increased.