Smoking is addictive, called tobacco dependence. Tobacco dependence is a chronic disease. The international classification code of diseases (ICD- 10) is F 17.2, which has its corresponding clinical diagnostic criteria. Nicotine is the main substance that causes tobacco dependence in tobacco, and its pharmacological and behavioral processes are similar to other addictive substances, such as heroin and cocaine. Once tobacco addicts stop smoking, they may have a series of withdrawal symptoms such as craving, anxiety, depression and headache. At the same time, tobacco dependence has a high recurrence rate, and its treatment often requires the assistance of professionals and scientific methods.
A lot of research evidence shows that quitting smoking can reduce or eliminate the health hazards caused by smoking. People of any age can benefit from quitting smoking. The earlier and longer it lasts, the greater the health benefits. At present, there are effective treatment methods to significantly improve the long-term smoking cessation rate, including short-term advice, drug treatment, smoking cessation consultation, smoking cessation hotline and so on.