What is the vital capacity of a normal person?

Vital capacity index = vital capacity-body surface area

Mass area =0.006 1* height (cm)+0.0 128* weight (kg)-0. 1329.

Adults in China: male 23 10, female 1800 is lower than this value, indicating that the respiratory function is weak.

Vital capacity refers to the amount of air that a person can exhale after inhaling deeply, which represents the maximum functional activity of the lungs in a time. Vital capacity is the maximum ventilation capacity of a breath, which reflects the potential ability of respiratory function in a certain sense.

Generally speaking, the better the body, the greater the vital capacity. In terms of age, adults have the largest lung capacity, while young people and the elderly are smaller.

People who do more exercise have greater lung capacity.

You can improve it through exercise ~

Those long-distance runners and swimmers have larger lung capacity ~