How does Jiaxing Laisen Hospital check the hair transplant hospital?

Preoperative examination of hair transplantation mainly includes scalp hair follicle detection, routine examination items and general examination.

The detection of scalp hair follicles is mainly to exclude head skin diseases that cannot be used as donors or recipients of hair transplantation:

Simple folliculitis, pustular folliculitis, alopecia folliculitis, head abscess penetrating folliculitis, Trichophyton granuloma, congenital alopecia, beaded and twisted hair.

Routine examination items include: blood routine, trace elements, four items of infection (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis C and hepatitis B), thyroid function examination (T3, T4 and TSH) and scalp hair follicle examination. ?

Diagnosis of systemic diseases that can lead to abnormal hair;

Malignant malnutrition, iron deficiency, hypopituitarism syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, drug-induced hair diseases, lupus alopecia, AIDS hair and scalp lesions, hair follicle mucinosis, syphilitic alopecia, leprosy hair diseases.

After a clear diagnosis, targeted treatment or referral to endocrinology, dermatology, infectious diseases and so on. Through the cure of the basic disease, hair loss will stop and recover, which is not suitable for hair transplantation.