Name the English abbreviation of blood routine test list.

routine blood test

English abbreviation-Chinese full name

WBC white blood cell count

GR% neutrophil percentage

Lymphocyte percentage

Median cell percentage

EOS% eosinophil percentage

Percentage of variant lymphocytes

Percentage of neutrophils

RBC red blood cell count

Hemoglobin HGB

HCT hematocrit

MCV mean red blood cell volume

MCH mean erythrocyte hemoglobin content

mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

RDW red blood cell distribution width variation

Platelet/platelet count

Mean platelet volume

Platelet hematocrit

PDW platelet distribution width

These are the most basic, and the general doctor will increase the examination items according to the patient's situation and initial impression. For example, hepatitis can be checked for liver function.