When I apply for or change my certificate, I need a physical examination form to prove that I am suitable for working on a ship, and I must have a physical examination in a hospital designated by the Maritime Safety Administration.
Before boarding the ship, you must apply for a health certificate, which is required for all people going abroad and is carried out at the inspection and quarantine center of the inspection and quarantine bureau.
health condition
4. 1 height
New record: the driver's height should be greater than or equal to 1.65M, and other seafarers should be greater than or equal to1.55m..
4.2 spine and limbs
Regular facial features, no deformity of limbs. The unequal length of both lower limbs is less than 2CM, scoliosis is less than 4CM, and there is no kyphosis.
4.3 hyperopia
Using standard logarithmic visual acuity chart or international standard visual acuity chart, according to its work needs, it is defined as:
4.3. 1 Captain on duty, driver and sailor
New record: The naked vision of both eyes is above 5.0( 1.0), or 4.9(0.8) in one eye and 5. 1( 1.2) in the other eye.
Present post: The naked eye vision of both eyes is above 4.8(0.6), or the naked eye vision of one eye is 4.8(0.6) and the naked eye vision of the other eye is 5.0( 1.0).
4.3.2 Chief engineer, engineer on duty, operator and electrician.
New record: the naked eye vision of both eyes is above 4.8(0.6), or one eye is 4.6(0.4) and the other eye is 4.9 (0.8); Or both eyes are above 4.6(0.4), but after correction (that is, wearing glasses), the vision of both eyes can reach 5.0( 1.0).
Present post: the naked eye vision of both eyes is above 4.6(0.4), or one eye is 4.5(0.3) and the other eye is 4.7 (0.5); Or both eyes are above 4.5(0.3), but after correction (wearing glasses), both eyes can reach 4.9(0.8).
4.3.3 Other crew members and interns of the ship's deck department or engine department can pass the examination according to the "current" standard in 4.3. 1 or 4.3.2.
Note: Figures in brackets are shown in the international standard visual acuity chart.
4.4 color vision
Captain, driver and sailor on duty: color discrimination is completely normal.
Chief engineer, engineer, telegraph operator and electrical engineer: no red and green color blindness.
4.5 visual field
Captain, driver and sailor on duty: the horizontal visual field is greater than or equal to 150 and the vertical visual field is greater than or equal to 1 15.
4.6 stereoscopic vision
The stereoscopic definition value is less than or equal to 60 "
4.7 Listening
4.7. 1 The person who can hear a mechanical stopwatch with a distance of 50 cm in both ears without using any hearing AIDS and visual AIDS is qualified. or
4.7.2 The hearing loss of both ears measured by the chief engineer, engineer and mechanic on duty with pure tone audiometer is less than or equal to 25dB in the frequency bands of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 KH, and less than or equal to 3OdB in the frequency bands of 3.0, 4.0 and 6.0 KH is qualified.
4.8 blood pressure
New record: not higher than 18.66/ 12.0 kPa (140/90 mmHg).
Not less than 12.0/8.0 kPa (90/60mmhg).
Current position: not higher than 2 1.3/ 12.6 kPa (160/95 mm Hg).
Not less than 12.0/8.0 kPa (90/60mmhg).
5 occupational adaptability
5. 1 dark adaptation
50 seconds or less
5.2 Language ability
Speak clearly and don't stutter.
occupational contraindication
6. cardiovascular diseases
6. 1. 1 Various organic heart diseases with cardiac insufficiency, unstable angina pectoris of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and acute myocarditis.
6. 1.2 Sick sinus syndrome, II-degree type II and III atrioventricular block, I-degree and II-degree type I atrioventricular block with a history of fainting, left bundle branch block, second and third branch block, diffuse indoor block.
6. 1.3 Frequent atrial or ventricular premature beats (>; 5 times per minute), ventricular premature beats appear in pairs, multi-source ventricular premature beats, frontal ventricular premature beats, recurrent paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, various types of ventricular tachycardia, atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation.
6. 1.4 Preexcitation syndrome is accompanied by a history of atrioventricular reflex tachycardia or atrial fibrillation, weakness of congenital QT prolongation syndrome, and cardiac mucinous pain.
6.2 Respiratory diseases
Bronchial asthma, repeated hemoptysis due to bronchiectasis, repeated spontaneous pneumothorax, and pulmonary insufficiency caused by various reasons.
6.3 digestive system diseases
Gastrointestinal ulcer complicated with bleeding, decompensated cirrhosis or esophageal varices, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis with repeated biliary colic.
6.4 Urinary system diseases
Acute and chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, renal insufficiency, urinary calculi and recurrent renal colic.
6.5 Blood diseases
Various hemorrhagic diseases, severe anemia (HT
6.6 Endocrine and Metabolic System Diseases
Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism requires long-term insulin treatment or diabetes with serious complications.
6.7 Nervous system and mental system diseases
Various nervous system diseases, epilepsy, various types of psychosis, and sleepwalking at night that cause mental or physical activity dysfunction.
6.8 Malignant tumor.
6.9 infectious diseases
6.9. 1 crew
Acute viral hepatitis, chronic active hepatitis, bacillary dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, cholera, paratyphoid fever, active tuberculosis.
6.9.2 Kitchen workers, waiters, stewards and carpenters
In addition to the infectious diseases referred to in 6.9. 1, healthy carriers with HBSAG positive, elevated alanine aminotransferase, typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery and cholera.
6. 10 standard.