Eight Best Square Space Templates for Health in 2022

In this paper, Squarespace template is suitable for health and wellness websites. The health template has not been deleted. Other Squarespace templates are suitable for health and wellness websites that get results. Choose the right Squarespace template for your health and wellness business. Surprisingly, Squarespace does not have a specific category for health and health care. However, I have browsed its entire library and found some templates that are actually very suitable for this field.

The right template should look good (obviously), but it should also make your website easy to navigate, help you share the uniqueness of your service or product, and allow customers to make an appointment online with just a few clicks.

With this in mind, I have compiled eight amazing templates, which will make your website very popular whether you run a fitness center, consulting services or traditional medical institutions. But I also came across some uninspired templates that you might want to avoid. Let's have a look!

Squarespace Templates for Health Websites There are dozens of Squarespace templates that can be used to design health websites. You will find some of the best local businesses, professional services, health and beauty.

All these templates have important content parts that the website needs, and special functions that can be added, such as promotional pop-ups, emails and telephone links, for customers to contact. It is also very easy to add Squarespace's calendar and e-commerce tools to existing templates.

Korima-Highlighting the connection between body and mind. The visual effect of Korima comes from exquisite full-page images, which is why this template is my first choice in health tourism and yoga studio.

You can use different background pictures for your website (Squarespace provides a rich gallery! But you can focus on the connection between body and mind. This will allow visitors to experience the life-changing experience you provide through courses or retreats.

In other words, Colima is more than just a visual effect. It also contains some important functions, including displaying your tutor, sharing your course schedule, and posting updates on a gallery-style blog.

If you are looking for a template for your life consulting business, Almar is a good choice. Its light and colorful design creates an attractive and relaxed atmosphere, and its customer-centered copy provides a good starting point to communicate your unique products and promote participation.

Some attractive pages continue the theme of the home page, with bright colors and inspiring information. I like that all important information, including social media icons, can be accessed from the top navigation bar or footer, and both pages are fixed on each page.

In addition, Almar has left enough room for those very important customer testimonials.

Height-the height most suitable for high-impact fitness studio (Squarespace7.0 template) attracts customers who are keen on high-impact sports and sports. I personally like its visual impact. But the dark blue background, bold white headlines and close-ups of sports strength do more. They will also send visitors a message telling them what rewards they will get if they participate in membership, courses or one-on-one training courses.

All chapter pages-About, Courses, Trainers and Stores-are connected in bold and yellow. In order to make it your own, all you have to do is upload photos of your staff, facilities and courses.

Heights even offers a store page that you can customize to share course details or sell fitness products.

Lilac-the most natural color of lilac is suitable for mental health experts-green, blue and rust color-which sets the right tone for mental health practice and is committed to cultivating a relationship based on mutual trust.

The template has all the basic functions needed for clinical mental health practice-therapist files, services, patient portal and insurance forms. I like the layout of the home page very much. It has a stacked section that links to every important page.

Florence-the most suitable hot spring and launch site Florence is a complete response template. If you want to open a new spa, massage center or other health business, I will be the first choice. However, the close-up whole blood image in the topic needs a lot of work, so you need something similar to keep the same visual effect.

This one-page template is very suitable for publishing new business information. However, if your business is more mature, you can easily add a gallery page to let visitors see photos of your beautiful facilities, or a special service and pricing, reservation and customer recommendation page.

Keane-Keene's clean and professional design of medical and dental practice makes it an ideal choice for medical practitioners, and directly cuts into the subject by putting all important information at the top of the homepage. Can be found in the 7.0 version of the template.

When visitors log on to your website, they will see large text links to important pages, such as medical staff profile, services and detailed FAQs, new patient portal and contact information.

I also like that every page has a soft green navigation bar and footer that shows your location and contact information. There is even a search icon in the upper right corner of the homepage.

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Health and health templates do not meet the requirements. Lakshi may have the functions required by the fitness template, but it lacks the visual impact of other designs and seems to lack inspiration. In addition, some pages (such as blogs) look great on mobile devices, but display poorly on the desktop.

Another template that seems to lack this special talent is Idla. First of all, I'm not interested in splitting the home page. But for me, the biggest flaw of idrah is that it doesn't seem to have an overall theme that connects all the pages.

Squarespace templates of other health websites can get results. When I went deep into the Squarespace directory, I found some great templates. Although these templates are not specially built for health, health care or fitness websites, they can be well applied to this market segment with a little modification.

Rally-the most suitable rally for nutrition coaches is designed for blogs, but it is very suitable for nutritionists or nutritionists' websites. The subtle parallax scrolling effect increases the design interest, and its long scrolling homepage allows you to interweave the words of healthy eating with beautiful banner photos to create a visually attractive website.

By adding pages for your services and expenses, it is easy to customize the meeting, although I will keep a harmonious palette. I also like the search function of this template, which allows visitors to browse different health topics, healthy recipes or eating techniques.

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Fennel-the most suitable for selling health care products. I found fennel in the fashion category, but this elegant e-commerce template is tailor-made for enterprises that want to show their high-end health care products.

From the default color palette to various page layouts, everything in this template conveys luxury. The gallerystylestore page allows you to skillfully display your personal product line. And other built-in pages, allowing you to share the inspiration behind the products and the history of healthy brands.

Choosing the right Squarespace template for your health and wellness business may be difficult, but please consider the information you want to convey when visitors visit your home page. Although life coaches may focus on training and motivation, doctors should emphasize qualifications and abilities.

However, every health and wellness professional needs a website, which can conveniently manage their schedules, receive payment for products and services, and allow customers to make appointments online.

The templates in my list not only look great, but also have the tools and functions you need to run your business skillfully.

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Frequently asked questions to build a website, do I need a website for my business? An absolutely well-designed website is the best way to reach potential customers, especially in the highly competitive health field. Whether you are a gym owner, a life coach, a masseur or even a doctor, having a strong online influence will help potential customers understand the uniqueness of your service and how they can benefit from working with you. There are many website builders who can help you get your business online quickly and easily, but not all websites have the functions you need. To see our best choices, please check out the list of the top ten best website builders in 2022. Can I sell products on Squarespace? Yes, you need a business plan or later, but you can add a store page to any Squarespace template (many templates have built-in). You have to connect to a payment processor, such as Paypal, Stripe or Square, but this is easy to do. For more information about e-commerce features of Squarespace, please read our complete Squarespace review. What is the space of a square? although