What is the function and function of vitamin C?

Vitamin C has the functions of anti-cancer, anemia treatment, cholesterol reduction and detoxification, as follows:

1, anticancer

In addition to preventing scurvy, vitamin C can also detoxify and remove carcinogens and reduce nitrite, thus reducing the incidence of malignant tumors such as digestive tract. It also has the functions of promoting antibody formation, enhancing cell phagocytosis and improving immune resistance.

Step 2 treat anemia

It can make iron ions in the body in ferrous state and promote the absorption and transfer of iron in the body, so it is an important auxiliary drug for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

Step 3 lower cholesterol

Vitamin C can also convert cholesterol in the body into water-soluble substances, thereby increasing the amount of cholesterol excreted, and can convert cholesterol in the liver into bile acids, reducing the blood cholesterol content of patients with hypercholesterolemia.

Step 4 detoxify

Vitamin C can also complex some metal ions such as aluminum, mercury and arsenic, so it can detoxify these metals.

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