What problems should I pay attention to when deworming cats?

1. Try to choose imported insect repellent. The commonly used anthelmintics for cats are Miaoba, Bayer and Dachong.

2. Feed according to the instructions, especially domestic insect repellent. Be sure to weigh the cat before taking the medicine and calculate the dose according to the weight.

3. The insect repellent in the body should be fasted for 5 or 6 hours after the cat eats the food for 3 to 4 hours to ensure the efficacy.

4. A few days after deworming, dead parasites and eggs will generally be discharged with stool. If diarrhea occurs, it is best to consult a doctor.

5. After deworming, some cats with bad stomach and poor constitution will have symptoms such as vomiting, listlessness and even fever. You can feed some pets to help cats regulate their intestines and stomach. Generally 1~2 days will be fine. If this happens for several days, you'd better consult a doctor.

At present, everyone agrees that the best insect repellent for cats is Swiss Miao Bar, which can repel cat parasites almost 100% and generally lasts for 2-3 months. However, the disadvantage is that the price is too high, and one piece is about 50 yuan! '

I recommend Bayer's insect repellent at a price of around 20 yuan per pill, which is better than that of Swiss. I don't see much difference at present!

You can buy many pills on Taobao, which will be used all year round and save postage! It's too expensive to buy in hospitals or shops!

Insect control in cats actually kills parasites and eggs in cats. Every time, a large number of parasites and eggs are killed according to the efficacy of the drug. The reproductive cycle of parasites is generally 1-3 months. So cats need to be eliminated 3-4 times a year;

There is no need to change cat litter every day when killing insects, and the diet is mainly cat food.