Under normal growth, nails will grow out within a week. Some people simply cut it all at once because it is too much trouble to trim it every week. However, it is unhealthy to cut nails too short!
Miss Li, 22, cut her toenails too short and too deep, and her toenails grew fleshy, even with large sarcomas on both sides.
Miss Li likes to cut her nails very short and clean since she was a child. When she cuts her toenails, she often cuts the upper edge of her toenails lower than her toes! Gradually, deep nails were formed on both sides of her left toenail, and they grew forward into the flesh, forming two sharp corners! She used to relieve the pain by pulling out her nails, but her new toenails were accompanied by pus. Just these days, she actually saw two sarcomas, one big and one small, growing on her toes. This sarcoma is even bigger than her toes! Moreover, the toes have festered and become inflamed, and Miss Li is in terrible pain every time she walks.
Repeated rubbing injury of nails leads to skin damage, and infection can cause "long nails". Repeated infection can make granulation tissue proliferate, thus forming sarcoma on both sides of toes. Once it causes long-term repeated infection, it is very likely to induce paronychia, and even lose our toes in severe cases. Therefore, the shorter the nails, the better. On the contrary, cutting it too short may have serious consequences!
A little longer nails can protect our fingers. Here, I have to remind you that if the nails are cut too short, the tender flesh of your fingers will be exposed. At this time, if you do laundry, washing dishes and other activities, it will hurt the soft tissue and lead to skin damage. Bacteria will enter the subcutaneous tissue through the damaged part for reproduction and growth, which will easily cause paronychia for a long time. Compared with fingers, toes are more easily overlooked, because they are hidden in the shoes, and the front of the shoes is tight, so the toes are easy to rub against the shoes, and the toenails will not only move forward, but also bend and grow to both sides, and they will be embedded in the nail groove, causing infection, thus causing continuous pain in the nail groove, so there is "toenail embedding".
So when we manicure, we'd better leave about two millimeters. If there are barbs on our fingers, try not to pull them out by hand. It is best to cut it with scissors, otherwise it is easy to bleed and cause infection. If your fingernail breaks and bleeds because of pulling out barbs, you can try to buy some honey, then mix it with warm water and apply it to the barbs on your hands five or six times a day for a few days. It's best to cut your toenails into square heads, which can protect your toenails. In addition, dirt often accumulates under nails, so we'd better not dig with the other hand, and try to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol after trimming nails.