Brazilian tortoise
First, carefully observe the turtle you want to buy! Does it show a natural action of escape (as long as it is in the basin, escape is allowed)? When people approached the basin, did it try to dive and escape? Turtles with difficulty in swimming or diving, and those with blocked nostrils or swollen eyes are dying turtles. Don't buy them.
Second, the vast majority of healthy turtle shells are not injured, that is to say, the shell shape is even and normal, and there is no shortage of links. If the tortoise shell feels soft when touching it, it is rickets. Although this defect can be saved to a limited extent, it carries an asymmetric carapace for life.
Third, please feed the turtle seller some feed. You should pay attention to which one or several of them are the first to eat, which can also judge their health. It is wise to be cautious about turtles that refuse to eat feed, because they are either sick or have not adapted to the new feed.
If you still like your favorite turtle, you should also consider that these cute little guys will not be little guys forever, and they need more space in the future. If the conditions are better, it will grow quickly. Under your care, the length of the carapace will grow to 25 or 30 kilometers! A pair of adult red turtles need a swimming space of about 100 liters of water, and adult turtles no longer look so bright and green. But in the eyes of people who really love to keep colorful turtles, they will always be lovely. Weak shell disease caused by calcium and vitamin deficiency; You can press the carapace with your fingers and even create a sunken pit. It's rickets.