What are the soil fertility and crop nutrition standards?

Soil fertility is mainly maintained by planting leguminous crops and green manure, applying compost soaked in organic substances produced by farms, and appropriate rotation. If these measures are not enough to maintain fertility, animal and plant fertilizers and natural minerals from off-site sources can be supplemented. Allow or restrict the application of the following substances

1. Compost Compost refers to the aerobic or anaerobic decomposition process of organic matter under the action of microorganisms. In order to effectively retain nutrients in compost, degrade pesticide residues and kill weed seeds and germs, the compost temperature must reach a high temperature of 49K ~ 60K and keep it for about 6 weeks. In order to obtain the best composting effect, a certain humidity should be maintained during the whole pivoting process, but there should be no water collapse. In the process of composting, the substances from outside the farm should be recorded in writing, and any substances prohibited by organic agriculture, including synthetic compost fortified starter, should not be used in composting. When purchasing compost, growers should obtain the main components and content table of commercial (compost) fertilizer.

2. Livestock manure Livestock manure must be composted before use. During composting, it should be continuously turned over and maintained at a certain humidity and temperature until it is completely degraded. Restrict the use of untreated feces, which may have adverse effects on soil-blocking organisms, make the bribe salt content in products high enough to affect human health, and cause salt enrichment in soil; Untreated feces may also contain pesticide residues, depending on the type of feed fed to livestock. Only an appropriate amount of untreated or layered compost (that is, insufficiently treated) feces is allowed. Processed livestock manure refers to the manure made by heating raw manure to 1 hour and reducing the water content to below 12%. The product has high solubility and low biological activity, so it is not suitable to be used as base fertilizer.

3. Crop cotton transformation, crop residual tea and green manure allow the application of crop rice stalks, crop residual cotton and green manure inside the farm, and restrict the application of materials purchased from the farm.

4. The cake fertilizer is allowed to apply the cake fertilizer processed by physical methods. However, some cake fertilizers, such as cotton cypress, may contain a certain amount of pesticide residues. Therefore, if it can be proved that cotton has no pesticide residue before use, it must be composted.

5. Wood processing by-products are allowed to use wood processing by-products without chemical treatment, such as bark, wood chips, flowers, wood ash, etc.

6 Food processing by-products can be used without pollution and can be decomposed.

7. Marine processing by-products do not contain other synthetic preservatives or other marine by-products enhanced by synthetic plant nutrients, such as bone meal, fish meal and other similar natural products.